entity framework - How can I get distinct results from this LINQ query? -
below erd , sample data. note, i'm using entity framework , code first control database.
for project named vacation, return distinct users have "true" value in userbooleanattributes table either parents or teens rows defined in userattributes table.
here current attempt:
var myquery = p in context.projects join ua in context.userattributes on p.projectid equals ua.projectid join uba in context.userbooleanattributes on ua.userattributeid equals uba.userattributeid join u in context.users on uba.userid equals u.userid p.projectid == 1 uba.value == true (ua.userattributeid == 1 || ua.userattributeid == 2) select new { uba = u };
this returns 6 users, e@acme.org being listed twice. there linq way of returning distinct values? suppose convert list filter, i'd rather have database work.
i'd rather avoid using lambda expressions if possible. once again, want database work, , not have write code union/intersect result groups.
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