php - Query builder conditional parameters -
i have user table has related data on belongstomany basis
users id first_name skills id name positions id name position_user position_id user_id created_at updated_at skill_user skill_id user_id created_at updated_at
in user model
public function positions() { return $this->belongstomany('app\position')->withtimestamps(); }
and in position
public function users() { return $this->belongstomany('app\user')->withtimestamps(); }
(the same skills)
i passing following view:
$users = user::with('skills') ->with('skills') ->with('positions') ->get();
i want able search on various combinations of skills , positions having difficulty creating elegant solution.
if select position or positions, pass controller can return info as:
if (request::get('positions')) { $positions = request::get('positions'); }
where positions array array:3 [? 0 => "analyst" 1 => "attorney" 2 => "architect"]
if($positions) { $users = user::with('skills') ->with('skills') ->with('positions') ->orwherehas('positions', function($thisquery) use ($positions) { $thisquery->wherein('name', $positions); }) ->get(); }
if same skills works well.
what need combine them - since adding more related tables search function.
i have tried:
if(($positions)&&($skills)) { $users = user::with('skills') ->with('skills') ->with('positions') ->orwherehas('positions', function($thisquery) use ($positions) { $thisquery->wherein('name', $positions); }) ->orwherehas('skills', function($thisquery) use ($skills) { $thisquery->wherein('name', $skills); }) ->get(); }
but wanting more like
$users = user::with('skills') ->with('skills') ->with('positions'); if($skills) { $users->orwherehas('skills', function($thisquery) use ($skills) { $thisquery->wherein('name', $skills); }); } if($positions) { $users->orwherehas('positions', function($thisquery) use ($positions) { $thisquery->wherein('name', $positions); }); } $users->get();
however doesn't work -just returns empty resultset.
how can achieve in elegant way?
or there perhaps better way implement search function - wanting filter on parameters.
i think need "and where" condition here. or means matching either 1 or or both rules. "and where" work if both rules match.
so i'd suggest trying this:
$users = user::with('skills') ->with('skills') ->with('positions'); if($skills) { $users->wherehas('skills', function($thisquery) use ($skills) { $thisquery->wherein('name', $skills); }); } if($positions) { $users->wherehas('positions', function($thisquery) use ($positions) { $thisquery->wherein('name', $positions); }); } $users = $users->get();
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