c# - how can i round off my value based on user input? -

i have code in updatetobill code. im planning round off nearest tenth think? example price 123456.123456, want have 123456.12 because since price, need cents. in advance :)

private void updatetotalbill()     {         double vat = 0;         double totalprice = 0;         long totalproducts = 0;         foreach (datalistitem item in dlcartproducts.items)         {             label pricelabel = item.findcontrol("lblprice") label; // price              textbox productquantity = item.findcontrol("txtproductquantity") textbox; // quantity             double productprice = convert.toint64(pricelabel.text) * convert.toint64(productquantity.text); //computation fro product price. price * quantity             vat = (totalprice + productprice) * 0.12; // computation total price. total price + product price             totalprice = totalprice + productprice+40 +vat;             totalproducts = totalproducts + convert.toint32(productquantity.text);          }         label1.text = convert.tostring(vat);         txttotalprice.text = convert.tostring(totalprice); // put both total price , product values , converting them string         txttotalproducts.text = convert.tostring(totalproducts);     } 

just round math.round like;

math.round(totalprice, 2) // 123456.12 

also can use math.round(double, int32, midpointrounding) overload specify midpointrounding awayfromzero or toeven. toeven default option.


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