node.js - MQTT-over-Websockets doent work on remote server -

i'm using deploy

now want send message form browser device (for fake in localhost) if

both broker client.hmtl , client.js on localhost


<html>   <head>         <meta charset="utf-8" />   </head>   <body>   <script src="./browsermqtt.js"></script>   <script>   var device = { nickname: 'wbk0da8v9l2wewmi', secret: 'mysecret' };   var msg  = 'devices/' + device.nickname + '/msg' ;   var var client = mqtt.connect(       { host: 'localhost',        port: 3000,     username: device.nickname,         password: device.secret  });     client.subscribe(msg);   client.on('message', function(topic, payload) {       console.log('my message ',[topic, payload].join(": "));       client.end();   });   client.publish(msg, "hello world client html !");     </script>      </body>  </html> 


var device = { nickname: 'wbk0da8v9l2wewmi', secret: 'mysecret' };    var msg  = 'devices/' + device.nickname + '/msg' ;  var mqtt = require('mqtt');  console.log(msg);   var client = mqtt.connect('mqtt://localhost:1883',{  username: device.nickname,  password: device.secret   });  client.subscribe(msg);  client.on('connect', function() {     console.log('client connected');     client.on('message', function(topic, message) {         console.log('received from', topic, message);         client.publish(msg, 'client 1 alive.. test ping msg! ' + date());         client.end();     }); }); 

it works fine.

but if have broker , client.html on remote server leaving client.js on localhost with

var device = { nickname: 'wbk0da8v9l2wewmi', secret: 'mysecret' };    var msg  = 'devices/' + device.nickname + '/msg' ;  var mqtt = require('mqtt');  console.log(msg);   var client = mqtt.connect('mqtt://',{  username: device.nickname,  password: device.secret   });  client.subscribe(msg);  client.on('connect', function() {     console.log('client connected');     client.on('message', function(topic, message) {         console.log('received from', topic, message);         client.publish(msg, 'client 1 alive.. test ping msg! ' + date());         client.end();     }); }); 

it doesn't work.

i'm wondering what's problem ? i'm doing wrong ?


when doen't work mean

i can see

client connected

from console window (when run client.js)

but can't see message both client

received from

(the on message event isn't triggered)

and browser side

my message

(the on message event isn't triggered)

when run client.html in firebug console i've got

firefox can't establish connection server @ ws://

on client.html did change host: 'localhost', port: 3000 remote 1 ?

did connect sucessfully port 1883 mqtt client mqtt.fx or mosquitto_pub ?


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