angularjs - How to load directive in ui-router using $ocLazyLoad -
i've seen similar questions no solution seems work me.
i'm trying lazy load directives in ui-router. idea template "<my-directive></my-directive>" , i'm using resolve load js directive.
looking around , reading documentation got far.
app.config(function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider) { $urlrouterprovider.otherwise("/"); var lazydeferred = {}; $stateprovider.state('app',{ url: '/app/:id/:directive', templateprovider: function() { return lazydeferred.promise; }, resolve: { load: ['$oclazyload','$q','$http','$stateparams','$compile', function($oclazyload, $q, $http,$stateparams,$compile) { lazydeferred = $q.defer(); return $oclazyload.load('/directives/calculator.js').then(function() { var template = "<"+$stateparams.directive+"></"+$stateparams.directive+">"; return lazydeferred.resolve(template); }); }] } });
the js loaded correctly , directive's tag correctly added ng-view cannot see result. tried use compile it's not working either.
any idea? thanks
i've found solution.
config app as:
app.config(function($compileprovider) { app.compileprovider = $compileprovider; });
define directive as
i'm not happy because didn't see mentioning solution! comment?
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