jquery - Replace text with img based off of text -
i want replace text img using part of itself:
<li class='custom'> <legend>images:</legend> {[img.png][1desc][2desc]} {[img2.png][1desc2][2desc2]} </li>
i want appear this:
<li class='custom'> <legend>images:</legend> <img src="img.png" title="1desc - 2desc"/> <img src="img2.png" title="1desc2 - 2desc2"/> </li>
current code using(doesn't work):
<script> function texttoimg(theimg) { return theimg.replace( /\{\s*[\s*(.*?)\s*]\s*[\s*(.*?)\s*]\s*[\s*(.*?)\s*]\s*\}/gi, '<img src="$1" title="$2 - $3"/>' ); } jquery('li.custom').each(function() { current = jquery(this); img = texttoimg(current.html()); current.html(img); }); </script>
it looks [
, ]
in regular expression not being escaped. try (demo):
function texttoimg(theimg) { return theimg.replace( /\{\s*\[\s*(.*?)\s*\]\s*\[\s*(.*?)\s*\]\s*\[\s*(.*?)\s*\]\s*\}/gi, '<img src="$1" title="$2 - $3"/>' ); }
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