powershell script reading parameters from txt -

i have script takes 2 parameters (name , location). put name , location txt file per post here powershell parameters file. got prompted put in value 2nd parameter:

import-csv 'c:\temp\paramtest.txt' | % { c:\temp\script\paramtest.ps1 @_ } 

cmdlet paramtest.ps1 @ command pipeline position 1 supply values following parameters: param2:**

this .txt like:

"param","param2" "foo","c:\temp" "bar","c:\temp" "foobar","c:\temp" 

and powershell script plain:

param (     [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=1)]     [string]$param,      [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=2)]     [string]$param2     )   $greeting='hello ' + $param + ' , ' + $param2 write-output $greeting 

any appreciated.

when import file import-csv cmdlet, objects of type pscustomobject back.

the splatting operator (@) expects hashtable, not pscustomobject.

powershell 3.0+

to import parameters txt file, use convertfrom-stringdata cmdlet return them hashtables instead:

get-content -path .\test.txt -readcount 2 | foreach-object {     $splat = convertfrom-stringdata $($_ -join [environment]::newline)     .\paramtest.ps1 @splat } 

and format text file this:


param=foo param2=c:\\temp param=bar param2=c:\\temp param=foobar param2=c:\\temp 

powershell 2.0

if working powershell 2.0, or if need retain csv format, can work refencing values pscustomobject new hashtable , splat that:

import-csv .\test.txt |foreach-object {     $splat = @{}     $_.psobject.properties |foreach-object { $splat[$_.name] = $_.value }     .\paramtest.ps1 @splat } 


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