javascript - Setting Combobox Value for RowEditing Editor in Extjs -
i kinda facing interesting problem combobox behaving weird.
i have grid 3 columns id , name , associated part.
i have enabled rowediting plugin , editors id textfield(editid), name textfield(editname) , associated part combobox(editpartcombo).
i have button called update.
when select row in grid , press update, rowediting starts @ exact position.
editid , editname shows default values has been selected editcombo populates blank.
code on update button:
{ text: 'update part', handler: function(btn){ var grid = btn.up('grid'); var selection = grid.getselectionmodel().getselection(); if(selection.length > 0){ alert(selection[0].get('id_part')); ext.getcmp('editpartcombo').setvalue(selection[0].get('id_part')); var rowediting = grid.getplugin('roweditplugin'); var rowno =[0]); rowediting.canceledit(); rowediting.startedit(rowno, 1); } else{ ext.msg.alert('error' , 'please select row'); } }
following alert gives me proper value of selected column:
but somehow net set value combobox.
same thing works fine if open new pop-up window , apply value combobox created on window.
please help.
thanks in advance.
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