black lines around image using warpPerspective for stitching in opencv -
im trying build mosaic panorama video. stitched every frame together, there problem in final image. used findhomography translation matrix, mask , warpperspective , copy new warped image final image panorama.
i think problem of warpperspective.does know solution how fix these black lines?
these black vertical lines corners of stitched remove them?
i solved it.i figured out corners of stitched image , tried manually edit mask.i draw black lines using code mask:
line(mask, corner_trans[0], corner_trans[2], cv_rgb(0, 0, 0), 4, 8); line(mask, corner_trans[2], corner_trans[3], cv_rgb(0, 0, 0), 4, 8); line(mask, corner_trans[3], corner_trans[1], cv_rgb(0, 0, 0), 4, 8); line(mask, corner_trans[1], corner_trans[0], cv_rgb(0, 0, 0), 4, 8);
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