ios - Display random image with ImageView -

i able pull array of images after fiddling tutorials.

from array want throw on image view via next random image swipe gesture:

var query = pfquery(classname:"cats") query.findobjectsinbackgroundwithblock {(objects: [anyobject]?, error: nserror?) -> void in     if error == nil {         // find succeeded.         object in objects! {             // update - replaced as!             self.imagefiles.append(object as! pfobject)             println(self.imagefiles)             self.view.addgesturerecognizer(rightswipe)             }         } else {             // log details of failure             println(error)         }     } } 

the println(self.imagefiles) shows array of files great, i'm having issues using random generator.

still new syntax, trying imageview.image = imagefiles[0] or display 1 of images in array. not sure syntax though.

i'm guessing once imageview.image = imagefiles[randomnumber] or equivalent.

for swipe part think got under control


ok have:

let randomnumber = imagefiles[int(arc4random_uniform(uint32(imagefiles.count)))] println(randomnumber) 

and println gives me random image file array.

how put image view?

edit tried:

for randomnumber in imagefiles {     self.imageview.image = randomnumber } 

and got:

cannot assign value type pfobject value type of uiimage

self.imageview.image = uiimage(data: randomnumber) 

also gives me error can't have data: pfobject


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