c++ - Parsing commands in a console application -
so console application based around commands, example user enter "connect" , stuff. able separate commands arguments, how make call function based on command string, , have match commands string counterparts?
use standard parsing techniques, , read commands std::cin
you might want declare type vector of arguments.
typedef std::vector<std::string> vectarg_t;
declare type functions processing commands:
typedef std::function<void(vectarg_t)> commandprocess_t;
and have map associating command names processors:
std::map<std::string,commandprocess_t> commandmap;
then fill map @ initialization time, e.g. using anonymous functions:
commandmap["echo"] = [&](vectarg_t args){ int cnt=0; (auto& curarg: args) { if (cnt++ > 0) std::cout << ' '; std::cout << curarg; } std::cout << std::endl; };
if question parsing program arguments (of main
), use getopt(3) , related functions. gnu libc provides argp_parse
consider perhaps instead embedding interpreter in program, e.g. embedding gnu guile or lua. embedding interpreter important architectural design decision , should made early. application becomes turing-complete.
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