ios - TextField Input via speech(Speech To Text)? -

i'm building ios app using swift , xcode 6. want implement speech text functionality in app.

i googled , found links not helpful , in objective c openears.

i have 2 or 3 textfields user enter his/her name,age , location. , there mike button speech entry in textfield. in image below. enter image description here

could me how can implement functionality using swift.

help appreciated! in advance!

you can implement openears way in swift project:

first of add framework downloaded here.


#import <openears/oelanguagemodelgenerator.h> #import <openears/oeacousticmodel.h> #import <openears/oepocketsphinxcontroller.h> #import <openears/oeeventsobserver.h> #import <openears/oelogging.h> #import <openears/oeflitecontroller.h> #import <slt/slt.h> 


// //  viewcontroller.swift //  speechtotext // //  created anil on 08/07/15. //  copyright (c) 2015 variya soft solutions. rights reserved. //  import uikit  var lmpath: string! var dicpath: string! var words: array<string> = [] var currentword: string!  var klevelupdatespersecond = 18  class viewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, oeeventsobserverdelegate {      var openearseventsobserver = oeeventsobserver()     var startupfailedduetolackofpermissions = bool()      var buttonflashing = false      @iboutlet weak var recordbutton: uibutton!     @iboutlet weak var heardtextview: uitextview!     @iboutlet weak var statustextview: uitextview!      override func viewdidload() {         super.viewdidload()         loadopenears()     }      @ibaction func record(sender: anyobject) {          if !buttonflashing {             startflashingbutton()             startlistening()         } else {             stopflashingbutton()             stoplistening()         }     }      func startflashingbutton() {          buttonflashing = true         recordbutton.alpha = 1          uiview.animatewithduration(0.5 , delay: 0.0, options: uiviewanimationoptions.curveeaseinout | uiviewanimationoptions.repeat | uiviewanimationoptions.autoreverse | uiviewanimationoptions.allowuserinteraction, animations: {              self.recordbutton.alpha = 0.1              }, completion: {bool in         })     }      func stopflashingbutton() {          buttonflashing = false          uiview.animatewithduration(0.1, delay: 0.0, options: uiviewanimationoptions.curveeaseinout | uiviewanimationoptions.beginfromcurrentstate, animations: {              self.recordbutton.alpha = 1              }, completion: {bool in         })     }     //openears methods begin      func loadopenears() {          self.openearseventsobserver = oeeventsobserver()         self.openearseventsobserver.delegate = self          var lmgenerator: oelanguagemodelgenerator = oelanguagemodelgenerator()          addwords()         var name = "languagemodelfilestarsaver"         lmgenerator.generatelanguagemodelfromarray(words, withfilesnamed: name, foracousticmodelatpath: oeacousticmodel.pathtomodel("acousticmodelenglish"))          lmpath = lmgenerator.pathtosuccessfullygeneratedlanguagemodelwithrequestedname(name)         dicpath = lmgenerator.pathtosuccessfullygenerateddictionarywithrequestedname(name)     }       func pocketsphinxdidstartlistening() {         println("pocketsphinx listening.")         statustextview.text = "pocketsphinx listening."     }      func pocketsphinxdiddetectspeech() {         println("pocketsphinx has detected speech.")         statustextview.text = "pocketsphinx has detected speech."     }      func pocketsphinxdiddetectfinishedspeech() {         println("pocketsphinx has detected period of silence, concluding utterance.")         statustextview.text = "pocketsphinx has detected period of silence, concluding utterance."     }      func pocketsphinxdidstoplistening() {         println("pocketsphinx has stopped listening.")         statustextview.text = "pocketsphinx has stopped listening."     }      func pocketsphinxdidsuspendrecognition() {         println("pocketsphinx has suspended recognition.")         statustextview.text = "pocketsphinx has suspended recognition."     }      func pocketsphinxdidresumerecognition() {         println("pocketsphinx has resumed recognition.")         statustextview.text = "pocketsphinx has resumed recognition."     }      func pocketsphinxdidchangelanguagemodeltofile(newlanguagemodelpathasstring: string, newdictionarypathasstring: string) {         println("pocketsphinx using following language model: \(newlanguagemodelpathasstring) , following dictionary: \(newdictionarypathasstring)")     }      func pocketsphinxcontinuoussetupdidfailwithreason(reasonforfailure: string) {         println("listening setup wasn't successful , returned failure reason: \(reasonforfailure)")         statustextview.text = "listening setup wasn't successful , returned failure reason: \(reasonforfailure)"     }      func pocketsphinxcontinuousteardowndidfailwithreason(reasonforfailure: string) {         println("listening teardown wasn't successful , returned failure reason: \(reasonforfailure)")         statustextview.text = "listening teardown wasn't successful , returned failure reason: \(reasonforfailure)"     }      func testrecognitioncompleted() {         println("a test file submitted recognition complete.")         statustextview.text = "a test file submitted recognition complete."     }      func startlistening() {         oepocketsphinxcontroller.sharedinstance().setactive(true, error: nil)         oepocketsphinxcontroller.sharedinstance().startlisteningwithlanguagemodelatpath(lmpath, dictionaryatpath: dicpath, acousticmodelatpath: oeacousticmodel.pathtomodel("acousticmodelenglish"), languagemodelisjsgf: false)     }      func stoplistening() {         oepocketsphinxcontroller.sharedinstance().stoplistening()     }      func addwords() {         //add thing here want recognized. must in capital letters         words.append("sunday")         words.append("monday")         words.append("tuesday")         words.append("wednesday")         words.append("thursday")         words.append("friday")         words.append("saturday")          words.append("january")         words.append("february")         words.append("march")         words.append("april")         words.append("may")         words.append("june")         words.append("july")         words.append("august")         words.append("september")         words.append("october")         words.append("november")         words.append("december")     }      func getnewword() {         var randomword = int(arc4random_uniform(uint32(words.count)))         currentword = words[randomword]     }      func pocketsphinxfailednomicpermissions() {          nslog("local callback: user has never set mic permissions or denied permission app's mic, listening not start.")         self.startupfailedduetolackofpermissions = true         if oepocketsphinxcontroller.sharedinstance().islistening {             var error = oepocketsphinxcontroller.sharedinstance().stoplistening() // stop listening if listening.             if(error != nil) {                 nslog("error while stopping listening in micpermissioncheckcompleted: %@", error);             }         }     }      func pocketsphinxdidreceivehypothesis(hypothesis: string!, recognitionscore: string!, utteranceid: string!) {          heardtextview.text = "heard: \(hypothesis)"     } } 

in code add 1 button. pressing button can speak , lib recognise word.

and remember 1 thing openears can recognise add word array , can not recognise other words.

and can test this sample project.

hope help.


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