windows - Delete zero byte files write file name to text file -

i have following in batch script , works deleting files of 0 byte size in target directory how can modify append text file each file name textfile called results.txt

set "targetdir=c:\users\william\desktop\test" /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir/s/b/a-d "%targetdir%\*.*"') ( if %%~za equ 0 del "%%~a" ) 

so in results.txt might see




i've tried adding >results.txt various parts of script no luck

set "targetdir=c:\users\william\desktop\test" /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir/s/b/a-d "%targetdir%\*.*"') ( if %%~za equ 0 echo %%~na>>results.txt & del "%%~a") 

try :)


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