mysql - How to use paste function and quotes, in a for loop and insert statement -
through for loop r language, i'm trying use insert statement save rows in table: 1 row example looks :
numpat name firstnam birthdate sex datprel adicap1 idpat numerorum 1 eloste james 2003-09-27 1 2008-03-24 bhote4p1 468 2
what i've tried write is:
info<- paste("insert tab_anapath_std1 values (",matop[i,1],", \",matop[i,2],\",\",matop[i,3], \",",matop[i,4],",",matop[i,5],",",matop[i,6],",\",matop[i,7],\",",matop[i,8],",",matop[i,9],")") sql_update_tbl_ds <- fn$dbsendquery(dbconn, info)
and output got :
numpat name firstnam birthdate sex datprel adicap1 idpat numerorum 1 ,matop[i,2], ,matop[i,3], 0000-00-00 1 0000-00-00 ,matop[i,7], 468 2
i have real problem manage quotes ; i've tried change without success; how may write please ?
if using fn$
there no need use paste
. fn$
alternative paste
. write out string , wherever want insert r code surround r code backticks. here self contained example of using fn$
making use of built in bod
data frame.
library(sqldf) matop <- matrix(1:4, 1, 4) <- 1 sql <- "select * bod time = `matop[i, 4]`" fn$identity(sql) ## [1] "select * bod time = 4" fn$sqldf(sql) ## time demand ## 1 4 16
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