premake - premake5 precompiled headers not working -
(this using premake5 alpha binary available download on website)
i'm trying port existing vs solution on using premake5.
it uses ms style precompiled headers(stdafx.h/stdafx.cpp).
when specify test project:
pchheader "stdafx.h" pchsource "stdafx.cpp"
it set project using precompiled headers, not setting stdafx.cpp generate precompiled headers(/yc). instead files in project trying use(/yu) , nobody generating pch. not build..
i'm guessing works somehow, black magic missing here?
here entire premake5 file reference
-- premake5.lua solution "cloud" configurations { "debug", "release", "final" } platforms { "win32_avx2", "win64_avx2"} location "premake" flags{"multiprocessorcompile", "extrawarnings", "fatalcompilewarnings", "fatallinkwarnings", "floatfast"} startproject "cloud" vectorextensions "avx2" filter { "platforms:win32" } system "windows" architecture "x32" filter { "platforms:win64" } system "windows" architecture "x64" filter "configurations:debug" defines { "debug" } flags { "symbols" } filter "configurations:release" defines { "ndebug" } flags{"symbols"} optimize "speed" filter "configurations:final" defines { "ndebug" } flags{"linktimeoptimization"} optimize "speed" group "app" --primary executable project "cloud" location "../src_test/cloud" kind "consoleapp" language "c++" targetdir "..//%{cfg.buildcfg}" pchheader "stdafx.h" pchsource "stdafx.cpp" vpaths{ {["src/pch/*"] = "../src_test/cloud/stdafx.*"}, {["src/*"] = "../src_test/cloud/**.cpp"}, {["module/*"] = "../src_test/cloud/module*.h"}, {["core/*"] = "../src_test/cloud/core*.h"}, {["headers*"] = "../src_test/cloud/*.h"}, --{["src_c/*"] = "../src_test/cloud/**.c"} } files { "../src_test/cloud/*.h", "../src_test/cloud/*.c", "../src_test/cloud/*.cpp", "../src_test/cloud/*.hpp" }
one related question: how disable precompiled header usage on specific files within project? of files not build if pch included, have manually disabled them in existing solution/projects.
it's because pchsource
requires file path (like files
) since stdafx.cpp
not in same directory script, premake not find it. try using pchsource "../src_test/cloud/stdafxcpp"
instead, should fix problem.
also see don't add "../src_test/cloud/"
include directory, means pch header included using relative path, right ? if so, you'll need update pchheader
reflect that. due way visual studio works, need set pchheader
appears in cpp files. e.g. if in cpp files have #include "../src_test/cloud/stdafx.h"
need use in premake: pchheader "../src_test/cloud/stdafx.h"
and finally, deactivate precompiled headers on files, can use filters:
-- deactivate precompiled headers c files filter "files:**.c" flags { "nopch" }
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