css - Having multiple clickable segment in a html canvas circle that fills color in each area that is clicked -
i need create rating circle rating ranging between 1 5. have circle 5 different segments. on click of each segment color of segment should filled. being new design canvas, i'm unable figure out in splitting canvas multiple clickable segments. image
i able attain using css divs in place
<div class="main"> <div class="quarter quarter1"></div> <div class="quarter quarter2"></div> <div class="quarter quarter3"></div> <div class="quarter quarter4"></div> <div class="cutout"></div> </div>
link jsfiddle
i because steadfast in purpose after many days. decide completion answer. hope answer complete.
var context; var canvas_width; var canvas_height; var canvas_offset_left; var canvas_offset_top; var center_location_x = 100; var center_location_y = 100; var item_selected; colors = ["#fff212", "#a8cf45", "#f58634" , "#fff212", "#a8cf45", "#f58634"]; var third = 1/3; var width = 70; window.onload = function(){ var canvas = document.getelementbyid("canvas"); context = canvas.getcontext("2d"); canvas_width = canvas.width; canvas_height = canvas.width; canvas_offset_left = canvas.offsetleft; canvas_offset_top = canvas.offsettop; drawall(); }; function drawall() { context.beginpath(); context.fillstyle='#ffffff'; context.fillrect(0, 0, canvas_width,canvas_height); context.closepath(); for(var i=0; i<6; i++) draw_item(i, false); } //handle mouse event --------------- var cursor_x=0; var cursor_y=0; function move(e) { e=e||event; cursor_x=e.pagex; cursor_y=e.pagey; if(e.target.id != 'canvas') drawall(); } document.onmousemove=move; //--------------------------------- document.getelementbyid('canvas-div').onmousemove = hoveraction; function hoveraction() { var offset_x = (center_location_x)+canvas_offset_left; var offset_y = (center_location_y)+canvas_offset_top; move_degree = math.atan2( cursor_x - offset_x , -(cursor_y - offset_y) ); drawall(); switch(true) { case (move_degree > 0 && move_degree < (math.pi/3) ): draw_item(0, true); break; case (move_degree > (math.pi/3) && move_degree < (math.pi/3)*2 ): draw_item(1, true); break; case (move_degree > (math.pi/3)*2 && move_degree < math.pi ): draw_item(2, true); break; case (move_degree > -math.pi && move_degree < -math.pi+(math.pi/3) ): draw_item(3, true); break; case (move_degree > -math.pi+(math.pi/3) && move_degree < -math.pi+(math.pi/3)*2 ): draw_item(4, true); break; case (move_degree > -math.pi+(math.pi/3)*2 && move_degree < 0 ): draw_item(5, true); break; } } function draw_item(item, ishover) { item_selected = item; var color = ishover ? "#0c10cc" : colors[item]; context.beginpath(); switch(item) { case 0 : context.arc(100, 100, 60, 1.5*math.pi, (math.pi*1.5)+(third*math.pi) ); break; case 1 : context.arc(100, 100, 60, (math.pi*1.5)+(third*math.pi), (math.pi*1.5)+ (third*math.pi*2)); break; case 2 : context.arc(100, 100, 60, (math.pi*1.5)+(third*math.pi*2), (math.pi*0.5)); break; case 3 : context.arc(100, 100, 60, math.pi*0.5, (math.pi*0.5)+(third*math.pi)); break; case 4 : context.arc(100, 100, 60, (math.pi*0.5)+(third*math.pi), (math.pi*0.5)+(third*math.pi*2)); break; case 5 : context.arc(100, 100, 60, (math.pi*0.5)+(third*math.pi*2), (math.pi*1.5)); break; } context.strokestyle = color; context.linewidth = width; context.stroke(); context.closepath(); }
#canvas-div { -webkit-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; height: 200px; width : 200px; overflow: hidden; cursor: pointer; }
<div id="canvas-div"><canvas height="200" width="200" id="canvas" onclick="alert(item_selected+1)"> browser not support</canvas></div>
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