css - Having multiple clickable segment in a html canvas circle that fills color in each area that is clicked -

i need create rating circle rating ranging between 1 5. have circle 5 different segments. on click of each segment color of segment should filled. being new design canvas, i'm unable figure out in splitting canvas multiple clickable segments. image

enter image description here

i able attain using css divs in place

<div class="main"> <div class="quarter quarter1"></div> <div class="quarter quarter2"></div> <div class="quarter quarter3"></div> <div class="quarter quarter4"></div> <div class="cutout"></div> </div> 

link jsfiddle

i because steadfast in purpose after many days. decide completion answer. hope answer complete.

var context;  var canvas_width;  var canvas_height;  var canvas_offset_left;  var canvas_offset_top;  var center_location_x = 100;  var center_location_y = 100;  var item_selected;    colors = ["#fff212", "#a8cf45", "#f58634" , "#fff212", "#a8cf45", "#f58634"];    var third = 1/3;  var width = 70;    window.onload = function(){  var canvas = document.getelementbyid("canvas");   context = canvas.getcontext("2d");      canvas_width = canvas.width;    canvas_height = canvas.width;    canvas_offset_left = canvas.offsetleft;    canvas_offset_top = canvas.offsettop;    drawall();  };    function drawall()  {    context.beginpath();    context.fillstyle='#ffffff';    context.fillrect(0, 0, canvas_width,canvas_height);    context.closepath();      for(var i=0; i<6; i++)       draw_item(i, false);  }    //handle mouse event ---------------  var cursor_x=0;  var cursor_y=0;    function move(e)  {  e=e||event;  cursor_x=e.pagex;  cursor_y=e.pagey;  if(e.target.id != 'canvas')      drawall();  }  document.onmousemove=move;  //---------------------------------      document.getelementbyid('canvas-div').onmousemove = hoveraction;  function hoveraction()  {      var offset_x = (center_location_x)+canvas_offset_left;      var offset_y = (center_location_y)+canvas_offset_top;        move_degree = math.atan2( cursor_x - offset_x ,  -(cursor_y - offset_y) );          drawall();        switch(true)        {          case (move_degree > 0 && move_degree < (math.pi/3) ):             draw_item(0, true);          break;          case (move_degree > (math.pi/3) && move_degree < (math.pi/3)*2 ):             draw_item(1, true);          break;          case (move_degree > (math.pi/3)*2 && move_degree < math.pi ):             draw_item(2, true);          break;          case (move_degree > -math.pi && move_degree < -math.pi+(math.pi/3) ):             draw_item(3, true);          break;          case (move_degree > -math.pi+(math.pi/3) && move_degree < -math.pi+(math.pi/3)*2 ):             draw_item(4, true);          break;          case (move_degree > -math.pi+(math.pi/3)*2  && move_degree < 0 ):             draw_item(5, true);          break;        }      }    function draw_item(item, ishover)  {       item_selected = item;       var color =  ishover ? "#0c10cc" : colors[item];       context.beginpath();       switch(item)        {          case 0 :            context.arc(100, 100, 60, 1.5*math.pi, (math.pi*1.5)+(third*math.pi) );          break;          case 1 :            context.arc(100, 100, 60, (math.pi*1.5)+(third*math.pi), (math.pi*1.5)+ (third*math.pi*2));          break;          case 2 :            context.arc(100, 100, 60, (math.pi*1.5)+(third*math.pi*2), (math.pi*0.5));          break;          case 3 :            context.arc(100, 100, 60, math.pi*0.5,  (math.pi*0.5)+(third*math.pi));          break;          case 4 :            context.arc(100, 100, 60, (math.pi*0.5)+(third*math.pi), (math.pi*0.5)+(third*math.pi*2));          break;          case 5 :            context.arc(100, 100, 60,  (math.pi*0.5)+(third*math.pi*2), (math.pi*1.5));          break;        }        context.strokestyle = color;        context.linewidth = width;        context.stroke();        context.closepath();  }
 #canvas-div   {     -webkit-border-radius: 50%;    border-radius: 50%;    height: 200px;    width : 200px;    overflow: hidden;    cursor: pointer;   }
<div id="canvas-div"><canvas height="200" width="200" id="canvas" onclick="alert(item_selected+1)"> browser not support</canvas></div>


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