What is this error in fortran and how to stop the program when it occurs? -
i have program reads information input file. since code has nothing wrong, can compiled. question if there reading error, program still running not thing when program gets larger , hard me find out error occurs.
the program is:
program main implicit none integer ioerr, switch_1(3), switch_2, open(100, file='./input_error.gr', action='read', iostat=ioerr) if (ioerr == 0) read(100,*) (switch_1(i), i=1,3) write(*,*) 'switch_1 is: ', switch_1 read(100,*) switch_2 write(*,*) 'switch_2 is: ', switch_2 else write(*,*) 'file not read' end if end program main
and input file is:
1,2,3 3
and works fine. if input file is:
i reading error don't know , want program stop every time error occurs, , if possible gives me error message did file opening:
forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 100, file /users/ranranking/develop/test/switch_test/./input_error.gr image pc routine line source a.out 0000000107d1114e unknown unknown unknown a.out 0000000107d2d686 unknown unknown unknown a.out 0000000107d2b7d4 unknown unknown unknown a.out 0000000107cfaa30 unknown unknown unknown a.out 0000000107cfa91e unknown unknown unknown
your program reached end of file. can use return code identify end-of-file condition , respond within program. code fragment show approach:
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env ..... readfile: read (data_lun, '(a)', iostat=readcode) line if ( readcode /= 0 ) if ( readcode == iostat_end ) write (*, *) "end of file" exit readfile ! end of file -- exit read loop else write ( *, '( / "error reading data file: ", i0 )' ) readcode stop end if end if read (line, *) ..... ...... end readfile
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