c# - Refactor multiple goto statements from the loop body -
i struggling replicate following fortran 77 subroutine c# method. main problem trying rid of fortran's goto
the fortran c# conversion looks fine, still goto
statements remained. there way of them can replaced conditionals or other ways? thank you.
here fortran subroutine:
c program temp subroutine temp (acl,adu,aeff,c,cair,cb,cbare, + cclo,count1,csum,di,ed,emcl,emsk,enbal, + enbal2,ere,erel,esw,eswdif,eswphy,eswpot, + evap,facl,fcl,fec,feff,food,h,hc,he,ht,htcl,icl,j, + mbody,p,po,r1,r2,rbare,rcl, + rclo,rclo2,rdcl,rdsk,rob,rsum,sex,sigm,sw,swf,swm, + ta,tbody,tcl,tcore,tmrt,tsk,v,vb,vb1,vb2, + vpa,vpts,wetsk,wd,wr,ws,wsum,xx) real acl,adu,aeff,c(0:10),cair,cb,cbare, + cclo,csum,di,ed,emcl,emsk,enbal, + enbal2,ere,erel,esw,eswdif,eswphy,eswpot, + evap,facl,fcl,fec,feff,food,h,hc,he,ht,htcl,icl, + mbody,p,po,r1,r2,rbare,rcl, + rclo,rclo2,rdcl,rdsk,rob,rsum,sigm,sw,swf,swm, + ta,tbody,tcl,tcore(1:7),tmrt,tsk,v,vb,vb1,vb2, + vpa,vpts,wetsk,wd,wr,ws,wsum,xx integer count1,count3,j,sex wetsk = 0. adu = 0.203 * mbody ** 0.425 * ht ** 0.725 hc = 2.67 + ( 6.5 * v ** 0.67) hc = hc * (p /po) ** 0.55 feff = 0.725 c facl = (- 2.36 + 173.51 * icl - 100.76 * icl * icl + 19.28 + * (icl ** 3.)) / 100. c if (facl .gt.1.) facl = 1. rcl = (icl/6.45)/facl if (icl.ge.2.) y = 1. if ((icl .gt. 0.6) .and. (icl .lt. 2.)) y = (ht - 0.2) / ht if ((icl .le. 0.6) .and. (icl .gt. 0.3)) y = 0.5 if ((icl .le. 0.3) .and. (icl .gt. 0.)) y = 0.1 r2 = adu * (fcl - 1. + facl) / (2. * 3.14 * ht * y) r1 = facl * adu / (2. * 3.14 * ht * y) di = r2 - r1 c temperature 90 j = 1,7 tsk = 34. count1 = 0 tcl = (ta + tmrt + tsk) / 3. count3 = 1 enbal2 = 0. 20 acl = adu * facl + adu * (fcl - 1.) rclo2 = emcl*sigm *((tcl+273.2)** 4.-(tmrt+273.2)** 4.)*feff htcl = 6.28 * ht * y * di / (rcl * alog(r2/r1) * acl) tsk = 1. / htcl * (hc * (tcl - ta) + rclo2) + tcl c radiation aeff = adu * feff rbare = aeff * (1.-facl) * emsk * sigm * + ((tmrt + 273.2) ** 4. - (tsk + 273.2) ** 4.) rclo = feff * acl * emcl * sigm * + ((tmrt + 273.2) ** 4. - (tcl + 273.2) ** 4.) rsum = rbare + rclo c convect cbare = hc * (ta - tsk) * adu * (1. - facl) cclo = hc * (ta - tcl ) * acl csum = cbare + cclo c core c(0) = h + ere c(1) = adu * rob * cb c(2) = 18. - 0.5 * tsk c(3) = 5.28 * adu * c(2) c(4) = 0.0208 * c(1) c(5) = 0.76075 * c(1) c(6) = c(3) - c(5) - tsk * c(4) c(7) = - c(0) * c(2) - tsk * c(3) + tsk * c(5) c(8) = c(6) * c(6) - 4. * c(4) * c(7) c(9) = 5.28 * adu - c(5) - c(4) * tsk c(10) = c(9) * c(9) - 4. * c(4) * + (c(5) * tsk - c(0) - 5.28 * adu * tsk) c if (tsk.eq.36.) tsk=36.01 tcore(7) = c(0) / (5.28 * adu + c(1) * 6.3 / 3600.) + tsk tcore(3) = c(0) / (5.28 * adu + (c(1) * 6.3 / 3600.) / + (1 + 0.5 * (34. -tsk))) + tsk if (c(10) .lt. 0.) goto 22 tcore(6) = (- c(9) - c(10) ** 0.5) / (2. * c(4)) tcore(1) = (- c(9) + c(10) ** 0.5) / (2. * c(4)) 22 if (c(8) .lt. 0.) goto 24 tcore(2) = (- c(6) + abs(c(8)) ** 0.5) / (2. * c(4)) tcore(5) = (- c(6) - abs(c(8)) ** 0.5) / (2. * c(4)) 24 tcore(4) = c(0) / (5.28 * adu + c(1) * 1. / 40.) + tsk c transparence tbody = 0.1 * tsk + 0.9 * tcore (j) swm = 304.94 * (tbody - 36.6) * adu / 3600000. vpts = 6.11 * 10. ** (7.45 * tsk / (235. + tsk)) if (tbody .le. 36.6) swm = 0. swf = 0.7 * swm if(sex .eq. 1) sw = swm if(sex .eq. 2) sw = swf eswphy = - sw * evap = 0.633 * hc / (p * cair) fec = 1. / (1. + 0.92 * hc * rcl) eswpot = * (vpa - vpts) * adu * evap * fec wetsk = eswphy / eswpot if (wetsk .gt. 1.) wetsk = 1. eswdif = eswphy - eswpot if (eswdif .le. 0.) esw = eswpot if (eswdif .gt. 0.) esw = eswphy if (esw .gt. 0.) esw = 0. c difference rdsk = 0.79 * 10. ** 7. rdcl = 0. ed = evap / (rdsk + rdcl) * adu * (1 - wetsk) * (vpa-vpts) c vb vb1 = 34. - tsk vb2 = tcore(j) - 36.6 if (vb2 .lt.0.) vb2 = 0. if (vb1 .lt.0.) vb1 = 0. vb = (6.3 + 75. * (vb2)) / (1. + 0.5 * vb1) c balance enbal = h + ed + ere + esw + csum + rsum + food c cover if (count1 .eq.0) xx = 1. if (count1 .eq.1) xx = 0.1 if (count1 .eq.2) xx = 0.01 if (count1 .eq.3) xx = 0.001 if (enbal .gt. 0.) tcl = tcl + xx if (enbal .lt. 0.) tcl = tcl - xx if ((enbal .le. 0.) .and. (enbal2 .gt. 0.)) goto 30 if ((enbal .ge. 0.) .and. (enbal2 .lt. 0.)) goto 30 enbal2 = enbal count3 = count3 + 1 c if (count3 .gt. 200) goto 30 goto 20 30 if ((count1 .eq.0.).or.(count1.eq.1.).or.(count1.eq.2.)) count1 = count1 + 1. enbal2 = 0. goto 20 end if c if (count1 .eq. 3.) c if ((j .eq. 2) .or. (j .eq. 5)) goto 40 if ((j .eq. 6) .or. (j .eq. 1)) goto 50 if (j .eq. 3) goto 60 if (j .eq. 7) goto 70 if (j .eq. 4) goto 80 end if 40 if (c(8) .lt. 0.) goto 90 if ((tcore(j) .ge. 36.6) .and. (tsk .le. 34.050)) goto 80 goto 90 50 if (c(10) .lt. 0. ) goto 90 if ((tcore(j) .ge. 36.6) .and. (tsk .gt. 33.850)) goto 80 goto 90 60 if ((tcore(j) .lt. 36.6) .and. (tsk .le. 34.000)) goto 80 goto 90 70 if ((tcore(j) .lt. 36.6) .and. (tsk .gt. 34.000)) goto 80 goto 90 80 if ((j .ne. 4) .and. (vb .ge. 91.)) goto 90 if ((j. eq. 4) .and. (vb .lt. 89.)) goto 90 if (vb .gt. 90.) vb = 90. c losses ws = sw * 3600. * 1000. if (ws .gt.2000.) ws = 2000. wd = ed / evap * 3600. * (-1000.) wr = erel / evap * 3600. * (-1000.) wsum = ws + wr + wd goto 100 90 continue 100 return end
and here c# attempt replicate upper fortran subroutine:
using system; public static class globalmembers_temp { //c program temp // -------------------------------------------- public static void temp(acl, adu, aeff, c, cair, cb, cbare, cclo, count1, csum, di, ed , emcl , emsk , enbal , enbal2 , ere , erel , esw , eswdif , eswphy , eswpot , evap , facl , fcl , fec , feff , food , h , hc , , ht , htcl , icl , j , mbody , p , po , r1 , r2 , rbare , rcl , rclo , rclo2 , rdcl , rdsk , rob , rsum , sex , sigm , sw , swf , swm , ta , tbody , tcl, tcore , tmrt , tsk , v , vb , vb1 , vb2 , vpa , vpts , wetsk , wd , wr , ws , wsum , xx) { float acl; float adu; float aeff; float[] c = new float[11]; // ??? float cair; float cb; float cbare; float cclo; float csum; float di; float ed; float emcl; float emsk; float enbal; float enbal2; float ere; float erel; float esw; float eswdif; float eswphy; float eswpot; float evap; float facl; float fcl; float fec; float feff; float food; float h; float hc; float he; float ht; float htcl; float icl; float mbody; float p; float po; float r1; float r2; float rbare; float rcl; float rclo; float rclo2; float rdcl; float rdsk; float rob; float rsum; float sigm; float sw; float swf; float swm; float ta; float tbody; float tcl; float[] tcore = new float[7]; // ??? float tmrt; float tsk; float v; float vb; float vb1; float vb2; float vpa; float vpts; float wetsk; float wd; float wr; float ws; float wsum; float xx; int count1; int count3; int j; int sex; wetsk = 0.0; adu = 0.203 * mbody * *0.425 * ht * *0.725; hc = 2.67 + (6.5 * v * *0.67); hc = hc * (p / po) * *0.55; feff = 0.725; //c rcl = icl / 6.45 facl = (-2.36 + 173.51 * icl - 100.76 * icl * icl + 19.28 * (icl * *3.0)) / 100.0; //c if (facl > 1.0) { facl = 1.0; } rcl = (icl / 6.45) / facl; if (icl >= 2.0) { y = 1.0; } if ((icl > 0.6)) && ((icl < 2.0)) { y = (ht - 0.2) / ht; } if ((icl <= 0.6)) && ((icl > 0.3)) { y = 0.5; } if ((icl <= 0.3)) && ((icl > 0.0)) { y = 0.1; } r2 = adu * (fcl - 1.0 + facl) / (2.0 * 3.14 * ht * y); r1 = facl * adu / (2.0 * 3.14 * ht * y); di = r2 - r1; //c temperature (90 j = 1, 7) { tsk = 34.0; count1 = 0; tcl = (ta + tmrt + tsk) / 3.0; count3 = 1; enbal2 = 0.0; g20: acl = adu * facl + adu * (fcl - 1.0); rclo2 = emcl * sigm * ((tcl + 273.2) * *4.0 - (tmrt + 273.2) * *4.0) * feff; htcl = 6.28 * ht * y * di / (rcl * alog(r2 / r1) * acl); tsk = 1.0 / htcl * (hc * (tcl - ta) + rclo2) + tcl; //c radiation aeff = adu * feff; rbare = aeff * (1.0 - facl) * emsk * sigm * ((tmrt + 273.2) * *4.0 - (tsk + 273.2) * *4.0); rclo = feff * acl * emcl * sigm * ((tmrt + 273.2) * *4.0 - (tcl + 273.2) * *4.0); rsum = rbare + rclo; //c convect cbare = hc * (ta - tsk) * adu * (1.0 - facl); cclo = hc * (ta - tcl) * acl; csum = cbare + cclo; //c core c[0] = h + ere; c[1] = adu * rob * cb; c[2] = 18.0 - 0.5 * tsk; c[3] = 5.28 * adu * c[2]; c[4] = 0.0208 * c[1]; c[5] = 0.76075 * c[1]; c[6] = c[3] - c[5] - tsk * c[4]; c[7] = -c[0] * c[2] - tsk * c[3] + tsk * c[5]; c[8] = c[6] * c[6] - 4.0 * c[4] * c[7]; c[9] = 5.28 * adu - c[5] - c[4] * tsk; c[10] = c[9] * c[9] - 4.0 * c[4] * (c[5] * tsk - c[0] - 5.28 * adu * tsk); //c if (tsk == 36.0) { tsk = 36.01; } tcore[7] = c[0] / (5.28 * adu + c[1] * 6.3 / 3600.0) + tsk; tcore[3] = c[0] / (5.28 * adu + (c[1] * 6.3 / 3600.0) / (1 + 0.5 * (34.0 - tsk))) + tsk; if (c[10] < 0.0) { goto g22; } tcore[6] = (-c[9] - c[10] * *0.5) / (2.0 * c[4]); tcore[1] = (-c[9] + c[10] * *0.5) / (2.0 * c[4]); g22: if (c[8] < 0.0) { goto g24; } tcore[2] = (-c[6] + math.abs(c[8]) * *0.5) / (2.0 * c[4]); tcore[5] = (-c[6] - math.abs(c[8]) * *0.5) / (2.0 * c[4]); g24: tcore[4] = c[0] / (5.28 * adu + c[1] * 1.0 / 40.0) + tsk; //c transparence tbody = 0.1 * tsk + 0.9 * tcore[j]; swm = 304.94 * (tbody - 36.6) * adu / 3600000.0; vpts = 6.11 * 10.0 * *(7.45 * tsk / (235.0 + tsk)); if (tbody <= 36.6) { swm = 0.0; } swf = 0.7 * swm; if (sex == 1) { sw = swm; } if (sex == 2) { sw = swf; } eswphy = -sw * evap; = 0.633 * hc / (p * cair); fec = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.92 * hc * rcl); eswpot = * (vpa - vpts) * adu * evap * fec; wetsk = eswphy / eswpot; if (wetsk > 1.0) { wetsk = 1.0; } eswdif = eswphy - eswpot; if (eswdif <= 0.0) { esw = eswpot; } if (eswdif > 0.0) { esw = eswphy; } if (esw > 0.0) { esw = 0.0; } //c difference rdsk = 0.79 * 10.0 * *7.0; rdcl = 0.0; ed = evap / (rdsk + rdcl) * adu * (1 - wetsk) * (vpa - vpts); //c vb vb1 = 34.0 - tsk; vb2 = tcore[j] - 36.6; if (vb2 < 0.0) { vb2 = 0.0; } if (vb1 < 0.0) { vb1 = 0.0; } vb = (6.3 + 75.0 * (vb2)) / (1.0 + 0.5 * vb1); //c balance enbal = h + ed + ere + esw + csum + rsum + food; //c cover if (count1 == 0) { xx = 1.0; } if (count1 == 1) { xx = 0.1; } if (count1 == 2) { xx = 0.01; } if (count1 == 3) { xx = 0.001; } if (enbal > 0.0) { tcl = tcl + xx; } if (enbal < 0.0) { tcl = tcl - xx; } if ((enbal <= 0.0)) && ((enbal2 > 0.0)) { goto g30; } if ((enbal >= 0.0)) && ((enbal2 < 0.0)) { goto g30; } enbal2 = enbal; count3 = count3 + 1; //c if (count3 > 200) { goto g30; } goto g20; g30: if ((count1 == 0.0)) { || ((count1 == 1.0)) || ((count1 == 2.0)) { count1 = count1 + 1.0; enbal2 = 0.0; goto g20; } } //c if (count1 == 3.0) { //c if ((j == 2)) { || ((j == 5)) goto g40; } if ((j == 6)) { || ((j == 1)) goto g50; } if (j == 3) { goto g60; } if (j == 7) { goto g70; } if (j == 4) { goto g80; } } g40: if (c[8] < 0.0) { goto g90; } if ((tcore[j] >= 36.6)) && ((tsk <= 34.050)) { goto g80; } goto g90; g50: if (c[10] < 0.0) { goto g90; } if ((tcore[j] >= 36.6)) && ((tsk > 33.850)) { goto g80; } goto g90; g60: if ((tcore[j] < 36.6)) && ((tsk <= 34.000)) { goto g80; } goto g90; g70: if ((tcore[j] < 36.6)) && ((tsk > 34.000)) { goto g80; } goto g90; g80: if ((j != 4)) && ((vb >= 91.0)) { goto g90; } if ((j.eq.4)) && ((vb < 89.0)) { goto g90; } if (vb > 90.0) { vb = 90.0; } //c losses ws = sw * 3600.0 * 1000.0; if (ws > 2000.0) { ws = 2000.0; } wd = ed / evap * 3600.0 * (-1000.0); wr = erel / evap * 3600.0 * (-1000.0); wsum = ws + wr + wd; goto g100; } g100: return; } }
you can try turn code state machine each state represents single goto inside loop.
for need turn method class, contains parameters , variables class fields, , has 1 constructor initializes appropriate fields , (optionally) runs "method".
i won't transition method because far huge example, give following:
original not converted method:
public static void do(int32 param1, int32 param2) { int32 loopi; int32 outbefore, outafter, outgoto1 = 0, outgoto2 = 0; int32[] outvalues = new int32[7]; console.writeline("method:"); console.writeline("dobeforeloop"); outbefore = param1 + param2; boolean wasingoto2 = false; (loopi = 0; loopi < 7; loopi++) { console.writeline("iteration {0}", loopi); console.writeline("fortranloopmethodstate.loopcyclestart"); outvalues[loopi] = loopi; goto1: console.writeline("fortranloopmethodstate.goto1"); outgoto1 = loopi + param1; if (wasingoto2) { wasingoto2 = false; goto end; } wasingoto2 = true; console.writeline("fortranloopmethodstate.goto2"); outgoto2 = loopi + param2; goto goto1; end: donothing(); // don't use break, we? } console.writeline("doafterloop"); outafter = param1 - param2; console.writeline(outgoto1); console.writeline(outgoto2); }
converted method:
public class executefortranmethod { private enum fortranloopmethodstate { loopcyclestart, goto1, goto2, loopcycleended } #region params private int32 param1; private int32 param2; #endregion #region variables public int32 loopi; public int32 outbefore, outafter, outgoto1, outgoto2; public int32[] outvalues = new int32[7]; #endregion #region constructors public executefortranmethod(int32 param1, int32 param2) { this.param1 = param1; this.param2 = param2; this.invoke(); } #endregion #region methods private void invoke() { console.writeline("state machine class:"); this.dobeforeloop(); (this.loopi = 0; this.loopi < 7; this.loopi++) { console.writeline("iteration {0}", this.loopi); var state = fortranloopmethodstate.loopcyclestart; { state = doloop(state); } while (state != fortranloopmethodstate.loopcycleended); } this.doafterloop(); } #endregion #region "method" body methods private void dobeforeloop() { console.writeline("dobeforeloop"); this.outbefore = this.param1 + this.param2; } private void doafterloop() { console.writeline("doafterloop"); this.outafter = this.param1 - this.param2; } boolean wasingoto2; private fortranloopmethodstate doloop(fortranloopmethodstate state) { switch (state) { case fortranloopmethodstate.loopcyclestart: { console.writeline("fortranloopmethodstate.loopcyclestart"); this.outvalues[this.loopi] = this.loopi; return fortranloopmethodstate.goto1; } case fortranloopmethodstate.goto1: { console.writeline("fortranloopmethodstate.goto1"); this.outgoto1 = this.loopi + this.param1; if (this.wasingoto2) { this.wasingoto2 = false; return fortranloopmethodstate.loopcycleended; } return fortranloopmethodstate.goto2; } case fortranloopmethodstate.goto2: { this.wasingoto2 = true; console.writeline("fortranloopmethodstate.goto2"); this.outgoto2 = this.loopi + this.param2; return fortranloopmethodstate.goto1; } default: throw new invalidoperationexception("the state invalid"); } } #endregion }
do(10, 20); console.writeline(); var result = new executefortranmethod(10, 20); console.writeline(result.outgoto1); console.writeline(result.outgoto2); console.writeline("press key"); console.readkey(true);
as can see outputs equivalent. won't describe how can transfer actual method, because tedious (but not unreal) task no real shortcuts , of ideas clear when read tiny example.
p.s.1: while there no real shortucts (except of course of writing small tool can generate such state machine classes given code), may simplify manual job bit of regular expressions search , replace (ctrl+f). example, replacing pattern goto(\d+)
case state.goto$1 {
replace gotos switch case stubs.
p.s.2: if there far many switch cases(gotos) may want replace switch dictionary lookup.
p.s.3: and many have pointed it, i'd still recommend try understand original code flow , rewrite scratch.
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