ios - Apple iWatch: contexts not sending between view controllers -

so i'm building calendar-type app on new apple iwatch. initial storyboard layout app:

enter image description here

basically initial table view parse calendar , grab event name , date of it. want basically, through push segue, send data second view controller.

i have tried using method -(nsarray *)contextsforseguewithidentifier:(nsstring *)segueidentifier, context in second view controller showing nil.

this code:


#import "interfacecontroller.h" #import <eventkit/eventkit.h> #import "calendar.h"     @interface interfacecontroller() {     nsarray *events;     nsarray *eventswithnotes; } @end   @implementation interfacecontroller - (void)setuptable {       ekeventstore *store = [[ekeventstore alloc] init];       // appropriate calendar     nscalendar *calendar = [nscalendar currentcalendar];       if ([store respondstoselector:@selector(requestaccesstoentitytype:completion:)])     {          [store requestaccesstoentitytype:ekentitytypeevent completion:^(bool granted, nserror *error)          {              if (granted)              {                  nslog(@"user has granted permission!");                  // create start date components                  nsdatecomponents *onedayagocomponents = [[nsdatecomponents alloc] init];         = -1;                  nsdate *onedayago = [calendar datebyaddingcomponents:onedayagocomponents                                                                todate:[nsdate date]                                                               options:0];                   // create end date components                  nsdatecomponents *oneyearfromnowcomponents = [[nsdatecomponents alloc] init];                  oneyearfromnowcomponents.year = 1;                  nsdate *oneyearfromnow = [calendar datebyaddingcomponents:oneyearfromnowcomponents                                                                     todate:[nsdate date]                                                                    options:0];                   // create predicate event store's instance method                  nspredicate *predicate = [store predicateforeventswithstartdate:onedayago                                                                          enddate:oneyearfromnow                                                                        calendars:nil];                   // fetch events match predicate                  events = [store eventsmatchingpredicate:predicate];                  nsmutablearray *rowtypeslist = [nsmutablearray array];                  for(int i=0; < events.count; i++){                      [rowtypeslist addobject:@"calendar"];                  }                   [self.tableview setrowtypes:rowtypeslist];                  (nsinteger = 0; < self.tableview.numberofrows; i++)                  {                      nsobject *row = [self.tableview rowcontrolleratindex:i];                      calendar *calendar = (calendar *) row;                       nslog(@"notes: %@",[[events objectatindex:i] notes]);                      nsstring* notes = [[events objectatindex:i] notes];                       [calendar.titlelabel settext:[[events objectatindex:i] title]];                  }                }              else              {                  nslog(@"user has not granted permission!");              }          }];     }       }  - (void)awakewithcontext:(id)context {     [super awakewithcontext:context];      // configure interface objects here. }   - (void)willactivate {     // method called when watch view controller visible user     [super willactivate];     [self setuptable];     }  - (void)diddeactivate {     // method called when watch view controller no longer visible     [super diddeactivate]; }  - (nsarray *)contextsforseguewithidentifier:(nsstring *)segueidentifier intable:(wkinterfacetable *)table rowindex:(nsinteger)rowindex {      nsarray *array = nil;     nsstring *notes = [[events objectatindex:rowindex] notes];     nsstring *title = [[events objectatindex:rowindex] title];     nsstring *strippednumber = [notes stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"[^0-9]" withstring:@"" options:nsregularexpressionsearch range:nsmakerange(0, [notes length])];     nsdateformatter *dateformatter = [[nsdateformatter alloc] init];     [dateformatter setdatestyle:nsdateformattermediumstyle];      nsstring *date = [dateformatter stringfromdate:[[events objectatindex:rowindex] startdate]];      if([segueidentifier isequaltostring:@"ibm"]) {         array = @[notes, title, strippednumber, date];     }     return array; }   @end 


#import <watchkit/watchkit.h> #import <foundation/foundation.h>  @interface detailinterfacecontroller : wkinterfacecontroller  @property (nonatomic, strong) nsstring *currentcontext; @property (weak, nonatomic) iboutlet wkinterfacelabel *phonenumber;  @end 


#import "detailinterfacecontroller.h"  @interface detailinterfacecontroller ()  @end  @implementation detailinterfacecontroller  - (void)awakewithcontext:(id)context {     [super awakewithcontext:context];      nslog(@"%@",context);     self.currentcontext = context;      // configure interface objects here. }  - (void)willactivate {     // method called when watch view controller visible user     [super willactivate];     nslog(@"%@ willactivate",self.currentcontext);     [self.phonenumber settext:self.currentcontext]; }  - (void)diddeactivate {     // method called when watch view controller no longer visible     [super diddeactivate];     nslog(@"%@ diddeactivate",self.currentcontext); }  @end 

any appreciated.

you don't need contextsforseguewithidentifier method. after setting table, use method.

- (void)table:(wkinterfacetable *)table didselectrowatindex:(nsinteger)rowindex {     nsstring *notes = [[events objectatindex:rowindex] notes];     nsstring *title = [[events objectatindex:rowindex] title];     nsstring *strippednumber = [notes stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"[^0-9]" withstring:@"" options:nsregularexpressionsearch range:nsmakerange(0, [notes length])];     nsdateformatter *dateformatter = [[nsdateformatter alloc] init];     [dateformatter setdatestyle:nsdateformattermediumstyle];      nsstring *date = [dateformatter stringfromdate:[[events objectatindex:rowindex] startdate]];   //you can push controller instead of segue , sending variable data dictionary in context,      [self pushcontrollerwithname:@"nibidentifier" context:[nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:notes,@"notes",title,@"title",strippednumber,@"strippednumber",date,@"date",nil]]; } 

replace "nibidentifier" specific identifier storyboard.

retrieve data in controller context using this,

- (void)awakewithcontext:(id)context  {     [super awakewithcontext:context];      nslog(@"%@",[context objectforkey:@"key1"]);     nslog(@"%@",[context objectforkey:@"key2"]);     nslog(@"%@",[context objectforkey:@"key3"]);     nslog(@"%@",[context objectforkey:@"key4"]); } 


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