chat - How to save variable after closing mIRC? -
i'm new language , i'm trying code own bot. alredy got basics , manage use variables , aliases, looking forward mini-game in chat in have own pet, name , level up.
i this, problem resides in @ end of day, close program , pets go away, , kind of destroys purpose of it.
i wondering if there way in save these variables , reload them each time open program, maybe save them on .txt?
any suggestion appreciated.
i agree 1 of comments it's best go .ini files problem.
an example of syntax, taken url linked above:
writeini reminder.ini birthday jenna 2/28/1983 writeini reminder.ini birthday mike 10/10/1990
this produces following file:
[birthday] jenna = 2/28/1983 mike = 10/10/1990
and read this:
echo -a mike: $readini(reminder.ini, n, birthday, mike) echo -a jenna: $readini(reminder.ini, n, birthday, jenna)
if want more flexibility define own data format, can revert plain text files. basic /write
, $read
functions have pretty neat functionality: see docs
something should work writing:
; search if pet saved $read(pets.txt,ns,%petname) if ($readn == 0) { ; append end of file write pets.txt %petname %age %mood } else { ; replace line write -l $readn pets.txt %petname %age %mood }
to retrieve specific pets:
var %pet_info = $read(pets.txt, ns, %petname) ; split found line on space (ascii-code 32) tokenize 32 %pet_info var %age = $2 var %mood = $3
this returns line starts petname you're looking for.
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