regex - Exclude Matches which start with '#' -
i using simple regex plain text files:
i matches like:
, ...(next)...
, ...(warning)...
, on
is possible exclude matches start #
? example:
# caught stealing (warning) (3300-3599)
i have tried lot , came this:
now need display matches of 1st capturing group, don't know how. can give tip?
this not straight-forward looks.
normally you'd use lookarounds this, case pretty unorthodox. want non-line related results (as line can have number of results) line related requirement (the absence of #).
lookarounds line-specific , have 1 result.
my solution:
you won't avoid having results within capture groups i'm afraid. in case, of results $1. idea describe possibility of commented line, , if it's not met, describe how items you're interested look. since commented line option first, items within won't tested
i changed regex contain spaces, dashes , numbers have more cases of (content123)
, alike. if don't want that, discard changes , use \s*?#.*(?:\n|$)|(\([a-za-z]*\))
there other ways this, 1 had success with.
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