ios - Pausing AvAudioPlayer from another view controller returns EXC_BAD_ACCESS Swift -
i've page-based application root view controller has button suposed pause avaudioplayer in data view controller. take granted know how root , data view controller work. mine looks this.
when i'm pressing button exc_bad_access. when i'm pausing button have on data view controller it's working fine without crash. i've tried:
• add pause code in function , call function
var dataview = self.storyboard?.instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier("dataviewcontroller") as! dataviewcontroller dataview.pause()
func pause() { player.pause() }
• calling function in dataview calls function pauses player
• tried call with
• tried call player.prepareforplay()
before player.pause
and of them gives me same error. can because rootviewcontroller doesn't have permission edit player
in dataviewcontroller?
this code:
creates new instance of dataviewcontroller. new instance doesn't have sound player. don't that. need way pointer existing instance of dataviewcontroller.
by way, should follow swift naming convention of naming classes , types starting upper-case letter. class name should dataviewcontroller
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