android - How to use security (Authentication & Authorization) in ASP.NET Web Api -
i developing android application use sql server(database) store application's data. in addition, application use asp web api send , receive xml or json between client , server.
i confused how make application authentication securely , how keep user logged in without need keep sending user's credentials in http requests.
therefore, need recommendation how secure application , provide me tutorial links if possible.
- login (username, password shored in basicnamevaluepair) client (here android) access web api controller (perhaps /token if use samples web api website). if success, access token responsed , save in client (sharedpreference or database)
- then, need send access token (no need username, password anymore) request other api controllers.
of course, https should used here better security.
sample codes getting access token (login phase):
public static object getaccesstoken(string address, string grant_type, string username, string password) throws exception { list<namevaluepair> params = new arraylist<>(); params.add(new basicnamevaluepair("grant_type", grant_type)); params.add(new basicnamevaluepair("username", username)); params.add(new basicnamevaluepair("password", password)); // making http request httpresponse = makehttprequest(address, params); if (httpresponse != null) { statuscode = httpresponse.getstatusline().getstatuscode(); if (statuscode != httpstatus.sc_ok && statuscode != httpstatus.sc_bad_request) { return httpresponse.getstatusline().tostring(); } // json string (jsonstring) input stream (is) getjsonfrominputstream(); if (jsonstring.isempty()) { return null; } // parse json string json object jobj = new jsonobject(jsonstring); } // return json object return jobj; }
inside makehttprequest, request access token:
httppost.setheader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httppost.setentity(new urlencodedformentity(parameters));
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