How to insert data from one table to another from two oracle database servers with public database link? -
i going insert data table2
, 2 tables in different database, different servers.
there public database links both database. in details of public database links, there names of owner, db_link, username , host.
i want ask how use public database links insert data table2
, thanks.
i have tried like
insert table1 select 'xxxx, xxxx, xxxx', columns_from_table2 table2@"db_link" criteria;
but prompts out error message of
ora-02019: connection description remote database not found 02019. 00000 - "connection description remote database not found"
i think not using correct dblink. try , tell me:
select * dual@"db_link"
select * dba_db_links db_link = "[your_db_link_name]"
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