javascript - Ember Error while testing: You will need to wrap any code with asynchronous side-effects in a run -

we have app working working add test cases purpose of ci.

we have small code tries login process , checking happens after possible login states success, failure, invalid account account locked etc.

so tried follwing code.

visit('/login')     .fillin('#identification', "testuser")     .fillin('#password', "testpass")     .click('input[type="submit"]')     andthen(function(){         ok(!exists('button:contains(sign in)'), '3. login button not displayed when authenticated');         ok(exists('.dropdownmenuoptions li:contains(logout)'), '4. logout button displayed when authenticated');     }); 

and gives following error in console.

ember.debug.js:5162 uncaught error: assertion failed: have turned on testing mode, disabled run-loop's autorun. need wrap code asynchronous side-effects in run 

this error occurs after click performed. click makes ajax call server , on response route transition made.

for case of successful login, want check if route changed /login / not able because of error.

please suggest.


in controller/component handles form submit must doing set (example)

save: function() {     this.get('model').set('name', 'foo'); } 

if work done in run loop (async) after ajax event sure wrap w/ ember run so

save: function() { {         this.get('model').set('name', 'foo');     }); } 


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