javascript - Programatically enable iOS keyboard on orientation change -
i'm building website responsive design goes between mobile , desktop view if viewport big/small enough. because of this, have 2 search bars (mobile , desktop). on ipad, want able rotate screen while focusing on 1 search bar, , other focused on automatically, including keyboard.
here's have going in script right now:
window.onorientationchange = function() { $('input').css('cursor', 'pointer'); if($('.search-input-mobile').css('display') != 'none' && $('.search-input').css('display') == 'none' && $('input:focus').length > 0 && math.abs(window.orientation) != 90) { $('.search-input-mobile').trigger('click'); } else if(math.abs(window.orientation) === 90 && $('input:focus').length > 0 ) { $('.search-input').trigger('click'); } else if($('input:focus').length > 0 ) { $('.search-input-mobile').trigger('click'); } }; $('.search-input').click(function(e){ alert('got desktop'); document.activeelement.blur(); $('.search-input-mobile').blur(); var temp = $('.search-input-mobile').val(); $('.search-input').val(''); $('.search-input').val(temp); $('.search-input').focus(); e.preventdefault(); }); $('.search-input-mobile').click(function(e){ alert('got mobile'); document.activeelement.blur(); var temp = $('.search-input').val(); if (temp != '') { $('.search-input-mobile').val(''); $('.search-input-mobile').val(temp); } $('.search-input-mobile').focus(); e.preventdefault(); });
i've tried pretty can find on no avail. know how accomplish this? side note, avoid libraries if @ possible.
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