react router - reactjs - Is it possible to have non nested routes -
i'm playing reactjs routes. in examples routes nested, such
<route path="/" handler={app} > <route name="about" handler={about} /> <route name="contact" handler={contact} /> </route>
is possible have simple non nested routes, below?
<route path="/" handler={app} /> <route name="about" handler={about} /> <route name="contact" handler={contact} />
var routes = ( <route name="root" handler={root}> <route path="/" handler={home} /> <route path="/home" handler={home} /> <route path="/about" handler={about} /> <route path="/projects" handler={projects} /> <route path="/contact" handler={contact} /> </route> );
strange issues, after updating suggested answer below. name
not working anymore path
works? had update routes. idea?
seems it's not possible. i'm using trick emulate such behavior:
var routes = ( <route name="root" handler={root}> <route name="checkout" path="/checkout/:step" handler={checkout}/> <route name="application" path="/" handler={application}> <defaultroute handler={promo}/> <route name="agreement" handler={agreement}/> <route name="policy" handler={policy}/> <route name="how-it-works" handler={brief}/> <route name="login" handler={login}/> <route name="faq" handler={faq}/> ... <notfoundroute handler={notfound}/> </route> <notfoundroute handler={notfound}/> </route> );
where root
basic html page body tag content rendered route handler.
here needed checkout page different page layout on same path segment level agreement or login pages.
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