javascript - Three.js creating geometry and mesh freezes animation -
i trying create scrolling text animation, , add more text animation while running.
this function creating text geometry , mesh:
function createtext(){ textgeo = new three.textgeometry( "some new text quite long", { size: 20, height: height, font: font }); textmesh1 = new three.mesh( textgeo, new three.meshbasicmaterial( { color: 0x112358 } ) ); textmesh1.position.x = (window.innerwidth / 2) + 100; textmesh1.position.y = ((window.innerheight / 2) * -1) + 40; textmesh1.position.z = 0; textmesh1.rotation.x = 0; textmesh1.rotation.y = 0; group.add( textmesh1 ); }
and animate function:
function animate() { var fistbox = new three.box3(); requestanimationframe( animate ); for(i = 0; < group.children.length; i++){ group.children[i].position.x -= 2; } fistbox.setfromobject(group.children[0]); if(group.children[0].position.x < ((window.innerwidth / 2) * -1) - fistbox.size().x ){ scene.remove( group.children[0] ); } render(); }
basically animation scrolls children of group, , when child leaves screen removed.
the problem when call function creates text geometry , mesh (even without adding group), scroll animation freezes few frames.
i have looked @ web workers, try , "multithread" create function, cannot pass mesh can't use method resolve issue.
any suggestions on how create text geometry , mesh, without effecting animation, appreciated! tia!
you split text chunks (e.g. words mabye letters) , distribute creation of word meshes across frames. like
function textbuilder( text, opts, parent ) { this.words = text.split( /\s/g ); this.index = 0; this.step = function () { if ( this.index >= this.words.length ) return; var word = this.words[ this.index ]; ++this.index; var geo = new three.textgeometry( word, opts ); var mesh = new three.mesh( geo, opts.material ); // need position mesh according word length here parent.add( mesh ); } }
then create textbuilder , call textbuilder.step()
in animate. positioning might issue though, unless font monospace. otherwise you'll have dig further fontutils see how spacing done there, , somehow apply textbuilder.
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