java - How to manage Heap (Min heap) if the value of already added item changes -

i java developer ( non cs/it educational background). have developed interest in algorithms , trying implement prim's algorithm calculating mst. have told in order let know context question independent of mst.

i have implemented own minheap instead of using java.util.priorityqueue (although when changed code , used facing same problem have mentioned ahead).

i add items heap value of item deciding comparison can change after items have been added in heap. once value changes heap not changed , hence upon removing item wrong item popped out.

how tackle situation..

i pasting code reference. adding items of type vertex in minheap. each vertex has 'int cost' associated used compare 2 objects of vertex. add object of vertex in heap , heap adjusted per current value of 'cost' once object of vertex added if cost changed want how adjust , reflected in heap. please me in regards , please correct me if going in wrong direction.

public class mstrevisited {       public static void main(string[] args) {             graph graph = new graph(6);             graph.addnode('a');             graph.addnode('b');             graph.addnode('c');             graph.addnode('d');             graph.addnode('e');             graph.addnode('f');             graph.addedege('a', 'b', 4);             graph.addedege('a', 'f', 2);             graph.addedege('b', 'f', 3);             graph.addedege('b', 'c', 6);             graph.addedege('c', 'f', 1);             graph.addedege('c', 'd', 3);             graph.addedege('d', 'e', 2);             graph.addedege('f', 'e', 4);             graph.applyprimalgo();     }     public static class graph {             private vertex verticies[];             private int maxsize;             private int size;             private hashmap map;             private minheap q;              public graph(int maxsize) {                     this.maxsize = maxsize;                     verticies = new vertex[maxsize];                     map = new hashmap(maxsize);                     q = new minheap(maxsize);             }              public void addnode(char data) {                     verticies[size] = new vertex(data, size);                     map.put(data, size);                     size++;             }              public void addedege(char sourcedata, char destinationdata, int weight) {                     int sourceindex = map.get(sourcedata);                     int destinationindex = map.get(destinationdata);                     verticies[sourceindex].adj = new neighbour(destinationindex, weight,                                     verticies[sourceindex].adj);                     verticies[destinationindex].adj = new neighbour(sourceindex,weight,                                     verticies[destinationindex].adj);             }              public void applyprimalgo() {                     // add keys q                      primedege pe = null;                     vertex vertex = verticies[0];                     vertex.cost = 0;                     vertex.state = vertex.in_q;                     q.add(vertex);                     while(!q.isempty()){                             vertex poppedvertex = q.remove();                             poppedvertex.state = vertex.visited;                             neighbour temp = poppedvertex.adj;                             while(temp != null){                                     vertex adjvertex = verticies[temp.index];                                     if(adjvertex.state != vertex.visited){                                             if(poppedvertex.parentindex != -1){                                                     char source = verticies[poppedvertex.index].data;                                                     char destination = verticies[adjvertex.index].data;                                                     pe = new primedege(source, destination, pe);                                             }                                             if(adjvertex.cost > temp.weight){                                                     adjvertex.cost = temp.weight;                                                     adjvertex.parentindex = poppedvertex.index;                                             }                                             if(adjvertex.state != vertex.in_q){                                                     q.add(adjvertex);                                             }                                     }                                     temp =;                             }                     }                      primedege temp = pe;                     while(temp != null){                             system.out.print("("+temp.source+","+temp.destination+") ");                             temp =;                     }                     system.out.println();             }              private static class primedege{                     public  char source;                     public char destination;                     private primedege next;                     public primedege(char source, char destination, primedege next){                             this.source = source;                             this.destination = destination;                    = next;                     }             }              public static class minheap {                     private vertex[] items;                     private int maxsize;                     private int size;                      public minheap(int maxsize) {                             this.maxsize = maxsize;                             items = new vertex[maxsize];                     }                      public void add(vertex item) {                             items[size] = item;                             heapifyafteradd();                             size++;                     }                      private void swap(int index1, int index2) {                             vertex temp = items[index1];                             items[index1] = items[index2];                             items[index2] = temp;                     }                      private void heapifyafteradd() {                             int currindex = size;                             vertex curritem = items[currindex];                             int parentindex = currindex / 2;                             vertex parentitem = items[parentindex];                             while (curritem.compareto(parentitem) == -1) {                                     swap(parentindex, currindex);                                     currindex = parentindex;                                     curritem = items[currindex];                                     parentindex = currindex / 2;                                     parentitem = items[parentindex];                             }                     }                      public vertex remove() {                             vertex vertex = items[0];                             swap(0, size - 1);                             items[size-1] = null;                             size--;                             heapifyafterremove();                             return vertex;                     }                      private void heapifyafterremove() {                             int currindex = 0;                             vertex curritem = items[currindex];                             int childindex;                             vertex childitem;                             int left = 2 * currindex + 1;                             int right = 2 * currindex + 2;                             if (left > size - 1) {                                     return;                             }                             if (right > size - 1) {                                     childindex = left;                             } else if (items[left].compareto(items[right]) == -1) {                                     childindex = left;                             } else {                                     childindex = right;                             }                             childitem = items[childindex];                              while (childitem.compareto(curritem) == -1) {                                     swap(currindex, childindex);                                     currindex = childindex;                                     curritem = items[currindex];                                     left = 2 * currindex + 1;                                     right = 2 * currindex + 2;                                     if (left > size - 1) {                                             return;                                     }                                     if (right > size - 1) {                                             childindex = left;                                     } else if (items[left].compareto(items[right]) == -1) {                                             childindex = left;                                     } else {                                             childindex = right;                                     }                                     childitem = items[childindex];                             }                     }                      public boolean isempty() {                             return size == 0;                     }             }              public static class hashmap {                     private mapnode[] map;                     private char[] keyset;                     private int maxsize;                     private int size;                      public hashmap(int maxsize) {                             this.maxsize = maxsize;                             map = new mapnode[maxsize];                             keyset = new char[maxsize];                     }                      private static class mapnode {                             char key;                             int value;                             mapnode next;                              public mapnode(char key, int value, mapnode next) {                                     this.key = key;                                     this.value = value;                            = next;                             }                     }                      public int hash(char key) {                             return 31 * key;                     }                      public int getmapindexofkey(char key) {                             return hash(key) % maxsize;                     }                      public void put(char key, int value) {                             int index = getmapindexofkey(key);                             map[index] = new mapnode(key, value, map[index]);                             keyset[index] = key;                             size++;                     }                      public int get(char key) {                             int index = getmapindexofkey(key);                             mapnode temp = map[index];                             while (temp != null) {                                     if (temp.key == key) {                                             break;                                     }                             }                             if (temp != null) {                                     return temp.value;                             } else {                                     return -1;                             }                     }                      public char[] keyset() {                             return keyset;                     }             }              public static class vertex {                     public static final int new = 0;                     public static final int in_q = 1;                     public static final int visited = 2;                     private int state = new;                     private int cost = integer.max_value;                     private char data;                     private neighbour adj;                     private int index;                     private int parentindex = -1;                     public int compareto(vertex other) {                             if (cost < other.cost) {                                     return -1;                             }                             if (cost > other.cost) {                                     return 1;                             }                             return 0;                     }                      public vertex(char data, int index) {                    = data;                             this.index = index;                     }                      public void addadjacentvertex(neighbour adj) {                             this.adj = adj;                     }                      public void updatecost(int newcost, int parentindex){                             this.cost = newcost;                             this.parentindex = parentindex;                     }             }              public static class neighbour {                     private neighbour next;                     private int index;                     private int weight;                      public neighbour(int index,int weight, neighbour next) {                    = next;                             this.index = index;                             this.weight = weight;                     }             }     } } 

thanks friends investing time question, figured had few mistakes in implementation due getting wrong answer.

  1. i corrected state of vertex when added minheap

  2. i corrected logic of outputting edge of mst , got correct answer....

  3. most important suggested karthik (many him) remove , re-add item 'cost' changes while being in heap. applied bubble approach instead of removing , again adding worked !!

after modifying above 3 points code working expect work.

also @karthik not have 2 methods before , after remove rather have 1 when add item ( in last , use method heapifyafteradd() , other when remove 1st item use heapifyafterremove() )

please find below code after corrections.

public class mstrevisited {      public static void main(string[] args) {         graph graph = new graph(6);         /*          * graph.addnode('a'); graph.addnode('b'); graph.addnode('c');          * graph.addnode('d'); graph.addnode('e'); graph.addnode('f');          * graph.addedege('a', 'b', 4); graph.addedege('a', 'f', 2);          * graph.addedege('b', 'f', 3); graph.addedege('b', 'c', 6);          * graph.addedege('c', 'f', 1); graph.addedege('c', 'd', 3);          * graph.addedege('d', 'e', 2); graph.addedege('f', 'e', 4);          */         graph.addnode('a');         graph.addnode('b');         graph.addnode('c');         graph.addnode('d');         graph.addedege('a', 'b', 4);         graph.addedege('a', 'c', 2);         graph.addedege('b', 'c', 1);         graph.addedege('b', 'd', 2);         graph.addedege('c', 'd', 3);         graph.applyprimalgo();     }      public static class graph {         private vertex verticies[];         private int maxsize;         private int size;         private hashmap map;         private minheap q;          public graph(int maxsize) {             this.maxsize = maxsize;             verticies = new vertex[maxsize];             map = new hashmap(maxsize);             q = new minheap(maxsize);         }          public void addnode(char data) {             verticies[size] = new vertex(data, size);             map.put(data, size);             size++;         }          public void addedege(char sourcedata, char destinationdata, int weight) {             int sourceindex = map.get(sourcedata);             int destinationindex = map.get(destinationdata);             verticies[sourceindex].adj = new neighbour(destinationindex,                     weight, verticies[sourceindex].adj);             verticies[destinationindex].adj = new neighbour(sourceindex,                     weight, verticies[destinationindex].adj);         }          public void applyprimalgo() {             // add keys q              primedege pe = null;             vertex vertex = verticies[0];             vertex.cost = 0;             vertex.state = vertex.in_q;             q.add(vertex);             while (!q.isempty()) {                 vertex poppedvertex = q.remove();                 poppedvertex.state = vertex.visited;                 neighbour temp = poppedvertex.adj;                 if (poppedvertex.parentindex != -1) {                     char source = verticies[poppedvertex.index].data;                     char destination = verticies[poppedvertex.parentindex].data;                     pe = new primedege(source, destination, pe);                 }                 while (temp != null) {                     vertex adjvertex = verticies[temp.index];                     if (adjvertex.state != vertex.visited) {                         if (adjvertex.cost > temp.weight) {                             adjvertex.cost = temp.weight;                             adjvertex.parentindex = poppedvertex.index;                         }                         if (adjvertex.state != vertex.in_q) {                             q.add(adjvertex);                             adjvertex.state = vertex.in_q;                         } else {                             // bubble node in heap                             q.bubbleup(adjvertex);                         }                     }                     temp =;                 }             }              primedege temp = pe;             while (temp != null) {                 system.out.print("(" + temp.source + "," + temp.destination                         + ") ");                 temp =;             }             system.out.println();         }          private static class primedege {             public char source;             public char destination;             private primedege next;              public primedege(char source, char destination, primedege next) {                 this.source = source;                 this.destination = destination;        = next;             }         }          public static class minheap {             private vertex[] items;             private int maxsize;             private int size;              public minheap(int maxsize) {                 this.maxsize = maxsize;                 items = new vertex[maxsize];             }              public void bubbleup(vertex vertex) {                 // @todo                 int = 0;                 (; < size; i++) {                     if (items[i] == vertex) {                         break;                     }                 }                 if (i < size) {                     int currentindex = i;                     vertex currentitem = items[currentindex];                     int parentindex = (currentindex-1) / 2;                     vertex parentitem = items[parentindex];                     while (currentitem.compareto(parentitem) == -1) {                         swap(currentindex, parentindex);                         currentindex = parentindex;                         currentitem = items[currentindex];                         parentindex = (currentindex-1) / 2;                         parentitem = items[parentindex];                     }                 }             }              public void add(vertex item) {                 items[size] = item;                 heapifyafteradd();                 size++;             }              private void swap(int index1, int index2) {                 vertex temp = items[index1];                 items[index1] = items[index2];                 items[index2] = temp;             }              private void heapifyafteradd() {                 int currindex = size;                 vertex curritem = items[currindex];                 int parentindex = (currindex-1) / 2;                 vertex parentitem = items[parentindex];                 while (curritem.compareto(parentitem) == -1) {                     swap(parentindex, currindex);                     currindex = parentindex;                     curritem = items[currindex];                     parentindex = (currindex-1) / 2;                     parentitem = items[parentindex];                 }             }              public vertex remove() {                 return remove(0);             }              public vertex remove(vertex vertex) {                 int = 0;                 (; < size; i++) {                     if (items[i] == vertex) {                         break;                     }                 }                 if (i < size) {                     return remove(i);                 }                 return null;              }              private vertex remove(int index) {                 vertex vertex = items[index];                 swap(index, size - 1);                 items[size - 1] = null;                 size--;                 heapifyafterremove(index);                 return vertex;             }              private void heapifyafterremove(int index) {                 int currindex = index;                 vertex curritem = items[currindex];                 int childindex;                 vertex childitem;                 int left = 2 * currindex + 1;                 int right = 2 * currindex + 2;                 if (left > size - 1) {                     return;                 }                 if (right > size - 1) {                     childindex = left;                 } else if (items[left].compareto(items[right]) == -1) {                     childindex = left;                 } else {                     childindex = right;                 }                 childitem = items[childindex];                  while (childitem.compareto(curritem) == -1) {                     swap(currindex, childindex);                     currindex = childindex;                     curritem = items[currindex];                     left = 2 * currindex + 1;                     right = 2 * currindex + 2;                     if (left > size - 1) {                         return;                     }                     if (right > size - 1) {                         childindex = left;                     } else if (items[left].compareto(items[right]) == -1) {                         childindex = left;                     } else {                         childindex = right;                     }                     childitem = items[childindex];                 }             }              public boolean isempty() {                 return size == 0;             }         }          public static class hashmap {             private mapnode[] map;             private char[] keyset;             private int maxsize;             private int size;              public hashmap(int maxsize) {                 this.maxsize = maxsize;                 map = new mapnode[maxsize];                 keyset = new char[maxsize];             }              private static class mapnode {                 char key;                 int value;                 mapnode next;                  public mapnode(char key, int value, mapnode next) {                     this.key = key;                     this.value = value;            = next;                 }             }              public int hash(char key) {                 return 31 * key;             }              public int getmapindexofkey(char key) {                 return hash(key) % maxsize;             }              public void put(char key, int value) {                 int index = getmapindexofkey(key);                 map[index] = new mapnode(key, value, map[index]);                 keyset[index] = key;                 size++;             }              public int get(char key) {                 int index = getmapindexofkey(key);                 mapnode temp = map[index];                 while (temp != null) {                     if (temp.key == key) {                         break;                     }                 }                 if (temp != null) {                     return temp.value;                 } else {                     return -1;                 }             }              public char[] keyset() {                 return keyset;             }         }          public static class vertex {             public static final int new = 0;             public static final int in_q = 1;             public static final int visited = 2;             private int state = new;             private int cost = integer.max_value;             private char data;             private neighbour adj;             private int index;             private int parentindex = -1;              public int compareto(vertex other) {                 if (cost < other.cost) {                     return -1;                 }                 if (cost > other.cost) {                     return 1;                 }                 return 0;             }              public vertex(char data, int index) {        = data;                 this.index = index;             }              public void addadjacentvertex(neighbour adj) {                 this.adj = adj;             }              public void updatecost(int newcost, int parentindex) {                 this.cost = newcost;                 this.parentindex = parentindex;             }         }          public static class neighbour {             private neighbour next;             private int index;             private int weight;              public neighbour(int index, int weight, neighbour next) {        = next;                 this.index = index;                 this.weight = weight;             }         }     } } 


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