python - Code for coyping specific lines from multiple files to a single file (and removing part of the copied lines) -

first of all, new this. i've been reading on tutorials on past days, i've hit wall want achieve.

to give long version: have multiple files in directory, of contain information in lines (23-26). now, code have find , open files (naming pattern: *.tag) , copy lines 23-26 new single file. (and add new line after each new entry...). optionally remove specific part each line not need:

  • c12b2

    -> before c12b2 (or similar) need removed.

    thus far have managed copy lines single file new file, rest still eludes me: (no idea how formatting works here)

    f = open('2.tag')       n = open('output.txt', 'w')  i, text in enumerate(f):      if >= 23 , < 27:          n.write(text)      else:          pass 

    could give me advice ? not need complete code answer, however, tutorials don't skip explanations seem hard come by.

  • without importing os:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3 import os # set directory, outfile , tag below dr = "/path/to/directory"; out = "/path/to/newfile"; tag = ".txt"  f in [f f in os.listdir(dr) if f.endswith(".txt")]:     open(out, "+a").write(("").join([l l in open(dr+"/"+f).readlines()[22:25]])+"\n") 

    what does

    it describe, it:

    • collects defined region of lines files (that is: of defined extension) in directory
    • pastes sections new file, separated new line


    [f f in os.listdir(dr) if f.endswith(".tag")] 

    lists files of specific extension in directory,

    [l l in open(dr+"/"+f).readlines()[22:25]] 

    reads selected lines of file

    open(out, "+a").write() 

    writes output file, creates if not exist.

    how use

    • copy script empty file, save
    • set in head section directory files, path new file , extension
    • run command:

      python3 /path/to/ 

    the verbose version, explanation

    if "decompress" code above, happens:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3 import os #--- set path directory, new file , tag below dr = "/path/to/directory"; out = "/path/to/newfile"; tag = ".txt" #---  files = os.listdir(dr) f in files:     if f.endswith(tag):         # read file list of lines         content = open(dr+"/"+f).readlines()         # first item in list = index 0, line 23 index 22         needed_lines = content[22:25]         # convert list string, add new line         string_topaste = ("").join(needed_lines)+"\n"         # add lines new file, create file if necessary         open(out, "+a").write(string_topaste) 


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