Change external SVG text with javascript -
i'm having issue changing text in external svg. i've found number of solutions listed here none of them have worked.
adding listener:
document.getelementbyid('id1').addeventlistener('onload', func);
the function:
function func () { var ele = document.getelementbyid('id1'), svg = ele.contentdocument, p = svg.getelementbyid('id2'); alert(p.textcontent); p.textcontent = 'test'; }
the first time load it, p returns null. on second load alert returns correct text within svg text element text not updated next statement.
why not working on first load , why text not changing
<svg height="90" width="200"> <text x="10" y="20" style="fill:red;">several lines: <tspan x="10" y="45">first line.</tspan> <tspan x="10" y="70">second line.</tspan> </text> <text x="40" y="60">more text</text> <text>will not display x , y missing</text> </svg>
you need set x , y attribute element displayed. alert should happen after set value of text element:
p.textcontent = 'test'; alert(p.textcontent);
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