php - Argument passed must be an instance of longtext, string given - doctrin2 symfony -
i have problem polluting mysql field defined text field data received result of serialize() php
command. using symfony2
doctrine annotations
my service code:
$oe = serialize($object); $log->setobject(serialize($object));
and entity:
/** * @orm\column(type="text") */ protected $object;
the error following:
symfony search on symfony website exception detected! catchable fatal error: argument 1 passed appbundle\entity\log::setobject() must instance of longtext, string given, called in c:\wamp\www\symfony_learn\src\appbundle\service\loggerservice.php on line 22 , defined 500 internal server error - contexterrorexception
it seems there mismatch of data types don't quite understand 1 data type string , second text , mind conversion should take place automatically. know can mysql cast wonder symfony2
, doctrine2
provides tools deal such situation?
try using mysql cast:
cast(yourvarchar longtext)
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