batch file - Pin shortcut (.lnk) to start menu -
i'm making installation script using .cmd file. here code:
if exist "%userprofile%\desktop\opslag\opslag.hta" ( start "" "%userprofile%\desktop\opslag\opslag.lnk" /secondary /minimized msg "%username%" program installed. exit ) else ( xcopy %source% %destination% /d /e /c /r /i /k /y start "" "%userprofile%\desktop\opslag\opslag.lnk" /secondary /minimized msg "%username%" setup complete! exit )
the %source%
, %destination%
set earlier in script.
when folder has been copied want file %userprofile%\desktop\opslag\opslag.lnk
added start menu.
i have seen earlier posts like: how pin start menu using powershell, cannot make work.
i'm testing on home laptop runs windows 7 danish language. machine need runs windows 7 english language. therefore think $verb
different scripts i've found, haven't tested on work station.
furthermore work station has limited uac, , therefore not have administrator rights. , please not comment on how should not done users, administrators/it, know i'm doing.
i hope can me pin opslag.lnk
start menu, preferably on both languages (danish , english).
find location of start menu folder:
for /f "tokens=3*" %%g in ('reg query "hkcu\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\user shell folders" /v "start menu" ^|find "reg_"') call set _startmenu=%%h echo %_startmenu% pause
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