how to import library and modules to android studio properly -

i want use library ( in project. when import new modules can't see is? , gradle error occur this:

cant find runproguard

and replaced minifyenabled error occur "change gradle version error:library projects cannot set applicationid. applicationid set in default config"

then clear applicationid still have error! can't understand sample folder, library folder, or root folder in project! have import one?!

i import sample project , root of project import new project have errors! newly migrate android studio eclipse bcz many open source project using android studio.i guess of question because can't understand android studio structure properly!

use build.gradle import project easily. make sure add build.gradle under app(or custom name) folder

in build.gradle file, add following dependencies, sync gradle. that's need do

dependencies {     compile 'com.ikimuhendis:ldrawer:0.1'     compile '' } 


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