scala - Test HttpErrorHandler with scalates/specs2 in Play Framework 2.4.2 -
i have implemented own httperrorhander in play framework 2.4.2 , functions well, want able test "fake actions" intentionally throw exceptions. have tried in scalatest
, specs2
import play.api.http.httperrorhandler import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.mvc.results._ import scala.concurrent._ class myerrorhandler extends httperrorhandler { def onclienterror(request: requestheader, statuscode: int, message: string) = { future.successful( status(statuscode)("a client error occurred: " + message) ) } def onservererror(request: requestheader, exception: throwable) = { future.successful( internalservererror("a server error occurred: " + exception.getmessage) ) } }
i tried far following tests. try debug code, never entering methods. methods of play.api.http.defaulthttperrorhandler
neither executed.
object throwablecontrollerspec extends playspecification results { "example page" should { "throwerroraction should valid" in { val controller = new testcontroller() val result: future[result] = controller.exceptionaction().apply(fakerequest()) //val bodytext: string = contentasstring(result) status(result) mustequal internal_server_error //bodytext must startingwith "a server error occurred:" } } }
the action-method in testcontroller.exceptionaction
def exceptionaction() = action { if (true) throw new exception("error") else ok("") }
the second try:
class applicationspec extends specification { "application" should { "sent 500 on server error" in new withapplication { route(fakerequest(get, "/exception")) must besome.which(status(_) == internal_server_error) } } }
and route /exception
get /exception controllers.testcontroller.exceptionaction
i added in application.conf
. said, working, not able test it. test fails exception given in exceptionaction
thank in advance
if using specs2, try this
await(controller.exceptionaction()(fakerequest())) must throwa[throwable] // or error want test against
see these links.
- (for scalatest)
hope helps!
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