Accessing a us-west-2 S3 bucket using Amazon Cognito and an IAM policy -
amazon cognito available in 2 zones: us-east-1
, eu-west-1
have bucket in us-west-2
here iam policy have unauthenticated guests in cognito identity pool:
{ "version": "2012-10-17", "statement": [ { "effect": "allow", "action": [ "s3:putobject", "s3:putobjectacl" ], "resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::vocal.test14/*" ] } ] }
during uploading, i'm not able access s3 bucket
stated here, should possible:
what rule need add policy give cognito ability communicate bucket that's not in us-east
someone asked more information, here is:
i've created new bucket called vocal.west2
i've given bucket following cors properties:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <corsconfiguration xmlns=""> <corsrule> <allowedorigin></allowedorigin> <allowedorigin>https://*</allowedorigin> <allowedmethod>get</allowedmethod> <allowedheader>authorization</allowedheader> <maxageseconds>3000</maxageseconds> </corsrule> <corsrule> <allowedorigin></allowedorigin> <allowedorigin>https://*</allowedorigin> <allowedmethod>post</allowedmethod> <allowedmethod>put</allowedmethod> <allowedheader>*</allowedheader> <exposeheader>etag</exposeheader> <maxageseconds>3000</maxageseconds> </corsrule> </corsconfiguration>
i've updated iam role following:
{ "version": "2012-10-17", "statement": [ { "effect": "allow", "action": [ "s3:putobject", "s3:putobjectacl" ], "resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::vocal.west2/*" ] } ] }
i'm attempting upload file using aws javascript sdk. code pretty long, here cognito credential call:
aws.config.region = 'us-east-1'; aws.config.credentials = new aws.cognitoidentitycredentials({ identitypoolid: 'us-east-1:rest-of-id-here' });
note region set 1us-east-1`, that's because it's referencing cognito zone, not s3 bucket.
note actual js code doing upload works fine when it's us-east-1
i'm using aws.s3.managedupload
in order specify s3 zone, aws.s3
object needs created (case matters here; doesn't work aws.s3
here aws.s3
object instantiation:
var s3 = (new aws.s3({ region: 'us-west-2' }))
here aws.s3.managedupload
var upload = (new aws.s3.managedupload({ params: { bucket: 'vocal.test14', key: 'filename', body: file, contenttype: 'image/jpeg', acl: 'public-read' }, service: s3 }));
and here logic upload/report progress:
upload.on('httpuploadprogress', function(event) { console.log( 'progress:', event.loaded, '/', ); }); upload.send(function(err, data) { if (data) { console.log('uploaded'); console.log(data); } else { console.log(arguments); } });
thanks @mark-mercurio help
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