c# - how generate a unique id for 2 objects -

i need generate identical ids 2 objects every loop. need make loop specifcally ids? there wont more 20 objects created @ time worrying collisions isn't big concern. nothing being saved database.

i need generate matching uid productsid , id

   public class data {     public int productsid { get; set; }     public string sqft { get; set; }     public string price { get; set; }  } public class products {     public int id { get; set; }     public string product { get; set; }  } public class legendmodel {     public string color { get; set; }     public string name { get; set; }     public ilist<data> data { get; set; }     public ilist<products> products { get; set; } }  public class exportlegendcontroller : apicontroller {      // post: api/exportlegend     [httppost]     public pdf post([frombody]list<legendmodel> legendmodel)     {         try         {             var subjectproperty = legendmodel[legendmodel.count - 1];              var xelelegend = new xelement("legend",                         item in legendmodel                         select new xelement("item",                                      new xelement("name", item.name),                                      new xelement("color", item.color)                                    ));                // save document...             var dt = datetime.now.tostring("g").replace('/', '-').replace(':', '-');             var filename = string.format("{0}-{1}.xml", "legend", dt);             string physicalpath = httpcontext.current.server.mappath("/legendxmls");             string relativepath = path.combine(physicalpath, filename).replace("\\", "/");             var pdfname = relativepath;              xelelegend.save(pdfname);              var data = new list<data>();             var products = new list<products>();              foreach (var item in subjectproperty.data)             {                 data.add(new data                 {                     productsid = item.productsid,                     sqft = item.sqft,                     price = item.price                 });             }             foreach (var item in subjectproperty.products)             {                 products.add(new products                 {                     id = item.id,                     product = item.product                 });             };              var xeleproperty = new xelement("property",                          d in data                          join product in products on d.productsid equals product.id                          select new xelement("points",                                       new xelement("sqft", d.sqft),                                       new xelement("price", d.price),                                       new xelement("product", product.product)                                     )); 

unique id generation using guid , cryptography

using guid:

public string generateid() {     return guid.newguid().tostring("n"); } 

"n" - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (32 digits)


using system.security.cryptography; // import dll public string get8digits() {     var bytes = new byte[4];     var rng = randomnumbergenerator.create();     rng.getbytes(bytes);     uint random = bitconverter.touint32(bytes, 0) % 100000000;     return string.format("{0:d8}", random); } 


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