objective c - SKShapeNode.Get Radius? -
is possible skshapenode
's radius value?
the problem is, need create identical circle after user releases it, whilst removing first circle view.
skshapenode *reticle = [skshapenode shapenodewithcircleofradius:60]; reticle.fillcolor = [uicolor colorwithred:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.3]; reticle.strokecolor = [uicolor clearcolor]; reticle.position = cgpointmake(location.x - 50, location.y + 50); reticle.name = @"reticle"; reticle.userinteractionenabled = yes; [self addchild:reticle]; [reticle runaction:[skaction scaleto:0.7 duration:3] completion:^{ [reticle runaction:[skaction scaleto:0.1 duration:1]]; }];
-(void)touchesended:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event { .... sknode *node = [self childnodewithname:@"reticle"]; //take position of node, draw imprint /////////here need circle radius. [node removefromparent]; }
how 1 take circle radius, can say
skshapenode *imprint = [skshapenode shapenodewithcircleofradius:unknownvalue];
i've tried, making exact copy of circle
skshapenode *imprint = (skshapenode *)node;
however, still follows animation need stop, @ point at. don't want take "stopallanimations" approach.
you can use shape node's path
property determine bounding box of shape cgpathgetboundingbox(path)
. bounds, can compute radius of circle dividing width (or height) 2. example,
cgrect boundingbox = cgpathgetboundingbox(circle.path); cgfloat radius = boundingbox.size.width / 2.0;
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