Using recursion to generate a list of X random numbers between 0 and 100, sorted from low to high in Python? -

i'm trying write program uses recursion generate list of x random numbers within range of 0 100, sorts them low high. code have written far:

import random  def multicaller(x):      if x == 0:           return "enter valid number"      else:           return random.randint(0, 100) + multicaller(x)  multicaller.sort() return multicaller(x) 

this crashes, , i'm not sure go here. ideal output this. let's enter multicaller(4): program ideally generate [3, 35, 45, 82]. if entered, multicaller(5), [1, 2, 45, 56, 99], , on. @ appreciated!

to recursively achieve have said, need honor base case first i.e need return empty list when asked random number list length zero. if x not 0 need create list single random number , recursively call same function x-1 , concatenate them both, result in list x number of random numbers

import random  def multicaller(x):         if x == 0:                 return []         else:                 return [random.randint(0, 100)] + multicaller(x-1)  def get_list(x):     res = multicaller(x)     res.sort()     return res  print get_list(5) 


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