android - how to get my app to respond to a SMS from a specific number -

i trying build app response sms of specific number, more demonstration want code this:

 if(number == +232344322)  {     } else   {   nothing    } 

so simplest way in android ???

you need create broadcastreceiver invoked when sms onreceive of broadcastreceiver write code retrive number of sms sender , compare number , perform task based on that.

public class receivesms extends broadcastreceiver { @override public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {     final bundle bundle = intent.getextras();         if (bundle != null) {              final object[] pdusobj = (object[]) bundle.get("pdus");              (int = 0; < pdusobj.length; i++) {                  smsmessage currentmessage = smsmessage.createfrompdu((byte[]) pdusobj[i]);                 string phonenumber = currentmessage.getdisplayoriginatingaddress();                 string message = currentmessage.getdisplaymessagebody();                 log.v("ranjapp", phonenumber + " " + message);                 if (phonenumber.equals("+91xxxxxx"))) {                     //do                 }else{                     //do nothing                 }             }         }     } } 

in androidmanifest.xml need add:

  1. **the receiver intent-filter within <application> tag

     <receiver     android:name=".receivesms"     android:exported="true"     android:permission="android.permission.broadcast_sms">     <intent-filter>         <action android:name="android.provider.telephony.sms_received" />         <action android:name="android.provider.telephony.sms_deliver" />     </intent-filter> </receiver> 
  2. permission:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.receive_sms"/>

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.read_sms"/>


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