c# - Single responsibility principle in MVC -
i have mvc project following pattern
view <-> controller <-> service <-> repository/entities <-> database
for example, if have 2 tables (customer , order) in database, have 2 classes in repository layer (this class map 1:1 database table because i'm using ef code first) :
public class customer { [key] public int customerid { get; set; } public int name { get; set; } //rest of columns here } public class order { [key] public int orderid { get; set; } //rest of columns here }
then have services :
public class customerservice : icustomerservice { void addnewcustomer(customer obj); void getcustomerorders(customer obj); //rest of methods here } public class orderservice : iorderservice { void getorderbyid(int id); void getcustomerorders(customer obj); //rest of methods here }
you notice have getcustomerorders
my question :
without breaking single responsibility principle rule, put
? incustomerservice
, or both?did break single responsibility principle rule having more 1 service in controller? example :
public class transactioncontroller : controller { //more 1 service inside class private icustomerservice _customerservice; private iorderservice _orderservice; public projectcontroller() { this._customerservice = new customerservice(); this._orderservice = new orderservice(); } public projectcontroller(customerservice customerservice, orderservice orderservice) { this._customerservice = customerservice; this._orderservice = orderservice; } public actionresult index() { return view(); } public actionresult createcustomer() { //rest of code here } public actionresult createorder() { //rest of code here } }
i have bunch of controller bloated action method, example
have :index add edit delete priority addpriority editpriority deletepriority
if controller split
productcontroller index add edit delete productprioritycontroller index add edit delete
i see template project microsoft doesn't have more 1 crud operation inside controller (towards bottom example). bad design if have more 1 crud operation inside controller (top example)? thinking of splitting controller don't want bite ass later having maintain 50 controllers.
any appreciated , apologize bad english.
- i put in customerservice because depends on customer pass function.
- i think maximum services controller ~3/4 services in 1 controller. in case think good.
- the controller doesn't need implement business logic. should take data , post them right place. think should create manager / service / class handle business logic. crud operations, should in 1 controller (get/post , etc).
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