excel - Differentiating between hyperlinks in the code of hyperlink handler -
how reference specific hyperlinks named delete , not others have different names in following code:
private sub workbook_sheetfollowhyperlink(byval sh object, byval target hyperlink) range(activecell.address).name = "delete" msgbox ("activated - workbook_sheetfollowhyperlink - before if-else") if range(activecell.addresslocal).text = "delete" clearthatcell 'calling clearthatcell sub else msgbox ("it's regular link - not delete ") end if end sub 'this sub clearing selected cell sub clearthatcell() activecell.clear msgbox ("the cell cleared!") end sub sub workbook_sheetdeactivate(byval sh object) lastsheet = sh.name end sub
the above code handler of hyperlinks, want code used if "delete" hyperlink clicked in parent workbook. tries help!
i'm guessing not matter worksheet's event initiates workbook_sheetfollowhyperlink event macro.
private sub workbook_sheetfollowhyperlink(byval sh object, byval target hyperlink) if lcase(target.name) = "delete" clearthatcell sh, target.range 'calling clearthatcell sub end if end sub sub clearthatcell(ws worksheet, rng range) msgbox "the " & rng.address(0, 0) & " cell on " & ws.name & " clicked." end sub
check docs hyperlink object , hyperlink members see else can hyperlink.
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