javascript - Angular ui-calendar events function called twice -

i developing project angularjs , using angular-ui ui-calendar. in code initialize eventsources model ui-calendar empty array ([]) , set ui-config "events parameter" custom function. function makes $http request , calls callback function given events function.

however, found out when load page or change month viewed left or right buttons, events function called twice. how can solve that?

here code:

function calendarctrl($scope, data){  	var date = new date();      var d = date.getdate();      var m = date.getmonth();      var y = date.getfullyear();    	// stores events      var events = [];        /* config object */      $scope.uiconfig = {          calendar:{              height: 450,              editable: true,              header: {                  left: 'prev,next',                  center: 'title',                  right: 'month,agendaweek,agendaday'              },  			buttontext: {  				month: "ay",  				week: "hafta",  				day: "gün",  				list: "ajanda"  			},  			alldaytext: "tüm gün",  			eventlimittext: "daha fazla",  			firstday: 1,  			timeformat: 'h:mm',  			axisformat: 'h:mm',  			lazyfetching: true,                                      // here listen calendar change events  			events: getevents  	    }      };    	// angular ui-calendar element  	$scope.eventsources = [];    	// calendar event handlers  	function getevents(from, to, callback){  		console.log(from);  // test purposes                  // request data server , when comes, call callback update calendar  		data.calendar.get(moment(from).unix(), moment(to).unix()).then(function(events){  			angular.foreach(events, function(event){  				event.start = moment.unix(event.start);  				if(event.end){  					event.end = moment.unix(event.end);  				}  				else{  					delete event.end;  				}    				var d = event.start;  				if(d.hour() == 0 && d.minute() == 0 && d.second() == 0){  					event.allday = true;  				}    				if(event.important){  					event.classname = "important-event";  				}    				event.editable = true;  			});    			callback(events);  		});  	}

i have solution.

instead of registering event handler $, register same function $scope.eventsources array. that:

$scope.eventsources = [getevents]; 

whenever view changes , calendar needs data @ $scope.eventsources elements. , if element function called , results shown in calendar.


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