scala - Akka actors not receiving Array[Byte]? -
i trying write actor counts messages receives , prints when hits specific number of messages seen.
i got work when sending messages actor string, when try send , array[bytes], actor doesn't perform it's receive function, doesn't invoke catch else case.
code handling strings works:
class countingactor extends actor { val log = logging(context.system, this) val starttime = system.currenttimemillis var count = 0 val actorname = def count: actor.receive = { case message: string => count += 1 if(count % 50000 == 0 && count != 0){ var elapsed = (system.currenttimemillis - starttime) / 1000.0 var mps = count / elapsed"processed $count messages in $elapsed ($mps msg/s) in $actorname") } case _ =>"something happened , dont know, wasn't string") } def receive = count }
the code fails process , array[byte] same specify case array[byte] instead of string.
class countingactor extends actor { val log = logging(context.system, this) val starttime = system.currenttimemillis var count = 0 val actorname = def count: actor.receive = { case message: array[byte] => count += 1 if(count % 50000 == 0 && count != 0){ var elapsed = (system.currenttimemillis - starttime) / 1000.0 var mps = count / elapsed"processed $count messages in $elapsed ($mps msg/s) in $actorname") } case _ =>"something happened , dont know, wasn't string") } def receive = count }
i've tried scenario
val s = actorsystem() val ca = s.actorof(props[countingactor]) ca ! array[byte](1, 1, 0)
and works fine. try add additional logging after
case message: array[byte] =>
to see this. code doesn't show visible reaction on message if count
less 50000, how know "the actor doesn't perform it's receive function"?
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