Windows Python 2.7 multiprocessing.Manager.Queue deadlocks on put from child process -
i'm trying code similar following example working correctly:
from multiprocessing import process, queue, manager, pool import time datetime import datetime def results_producer(the_work, num_procs): results = manager().queue() ppool = pool(num_procs) multiplier = 3 #step = len(the_work)/(num_procs*multiplier) step = 100 in xrange(0,len(the_work), step): batch = the_work[i:i+step] ppool.apply_async(do_work1, args=(i,batch,results))#,callback=results.put_nowait) return (ppool, results) def results_consumer(results, total_work, num_procs, pool=none): current = 0 batch_size=10 total = total_work est_remaining = 0 while current < total_work: size = results.qsize() est_remaining = total_work - (current + size) if current % 1000 == 0: print 'attempting retrieve item queue empty? %s, size: %d , remaining work: %d' % (results.empty(), size, est_remaining) item = results.get() results.task_done() current += 1 if current % batch_size == 0 or total_work - current < batch_size: if pool not none , est_remaining == 0 , size/num_procs > batch_size: pool.apply_async(do_work2, args=(current, item, true)) else: do_work2(current,item, false) if current % 1000 == 0: print 'queue size: %d , remaining work: %d' % (size, est_remaining) def do_work1(i, w, results): time.sleep(.05) if % 1000 == 0: print 'did work %d: %d %d' % (i,w[0], w[-1]) j in w: #create increasing amount of work on queue results.put_nowait(range(j*2)) def do_work2(index, item, in_parallel): time.sleep(1) if index % 50 == 0: print 'processed result %d length %d in parallel %s' % (index, len(item), in_parallel) if __name__ == "__main__": num_workers = 2 start = print 'start: %s' % start amount_work = 4000 the_work = [i in xrange(amount_work)] ppool, results = results_producer(the_work, num_workers) results_consumer(results, len(the_work), num_workers, ppool) if ppool not none: ppool.close() ppool.join() print 'took: %s time' % ( - start)
and deadlocks on results.put_nowait call do_work1 though queue empty! code able put work on queue results.get call results_consumer blocks since apparently empty though work has not been consumed yet.
additionally, checked programming guidelines: , believe above code conforms it. lastly problem in post: python multiprocessing.queue deadlocks on put , get seems similar , claims solved on windows (i'm running on windows 8.1) above code doesn't block due parent process attempting join child process since logic similar suggested answer. suggestions cause of deadlock , how fix it? in general, best way enable multiple producers provide results consumer process in python?
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