android - not working after proguard -

i'm using features in app, works great on debugging mode. generate signed apk in release mode, have killing wait 10 seconds @ beginning of opening app. it's because of trying initialize , contact servers, apparently not successful.

and also, stops working know so, since no data uploaded account.

there should problem proguard of course since difference between debug , release mode, enabling proguard, in case.

i have triend keep com.parse following code in proguard rules:

 #keep parse classes -keepattributes annotation,sourcefile,linenumbertable -dontwarn com.parse.** -keep class com.parse.* { *; } -keep class com.parse.** { *; } 

any appreciated!


i found out huge memory leak happening @ parse.initialize() after proguard ... still have no idea why though! of course memory leak not present while proguard off enter image description here

try following if have apache http-core , http-mime along parse library:

-keep class org.apache.** { *; } -keep class com.parse.** { *; }  -dontwarn com.parse.** -dontwarn org.apache.** -dontwarn com.squareup.** 


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