android - I have two attr in appcompat_v7 and FloatingButtonAction -

my project contains these 2 libraries , reason error when want run on device :

the error follows:

workspace_desarrollo\librerias\floatingactionbutton\res\values\attrs.xml:6: error: attribute "color" has been defined 

look @ both libraries , found both defined . did rename fab library , reads follows:

<attr name="colortem" format="color"/> 

everything normal, when run app , button shows me white background. there 3 buttons use , puts 3 white background.

previously did not have problem, had change pc , when import new workspace projects started dating error.

the appcompat_v7 in : target=android-21

the floatingactionbutton in : target=android-19 android.library=true android.library.reference.1=../nineoldandroids

my project in : target=android-21 android.library.reference.1=../../librerias/floatingactionbutton android.library.reference.2=../../librerias/appcompat android.library.reference.3=../../librerias/google-play-services_lib

i hope can me.

thank you

pd : i'm thinking starting develop android studio , i'm not entirely convinced

remove colortem attribute definition, other 1 used. otherwise you'd have change r.attr.color references inside fab library r.attr.colortem well.


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