php - Highlight searched word -

in symfony2, how highlight word search search box :

// search twig:

{% block body -%}     <h1>results of "{{ find }}"</h1>     {% if entities%}         {% entity in entities %}             <table class="record_properties">                 <tbody>                     <tr>                                     <td>><a href="{{ path('onequestion_show', { 'id': }) }}">{{ entity.question }}</a></td>                     </tr>                                  </tbody>             </table>         {% endfor %}     {%else%}         <td>no results found</td>     {%endif%}  {% endblock %}  

//searchcontroller :

public function searchaction() {          $request = $this->getrequest();         $data = $request->request->all();         $find = $data['search'];          $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();         $query = $em->createquery(                         'select, p.question         epitaepitabundle:questionanswer p         p.question :data')                 ->setparameter('data', "%$find%");           $res = $query->getresult();           return $this->render('epitaepitabundle:questionanswer:search.html.twig', array(                     'entities' => $res,                     'find' => $find));     } 

// getting searched result want highlighted...

you could, probably, like:

<td>><a href="{{ path('onequestion_show', { 'id': }) }}">{{ entity.question|replace({find: "<span class='highlight'>" ~ find ~ "</span>"}) }}</a></td> 

and create class in css:

span.hightlight {   /* whatever want highlighted elements*/ } 

another option write own filter in php.


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