python - Causing a Tkinter widget to change based on input from another widget -

i have created simple command-line game , considering porting gui. way able give player option make choices through clicking buttons, instead of being forced type in text.

my problem tricky without ability change text on label , button widgets, how might 1 go doing this?

here have far (after laurencevs's answer):

def goaway(event):     label02.configure(text = " ")     label01.configure(text = "go away")     time.sleep(1)     label01.configure(text = "go away.")     time.sleep(1)     label01.configure(text = "seriously, go away!")     time.sleep(1)     label01.configure(text = "that's it.")     time.sleep(0.5)     quit("goodbye.")  button01 = button(root, text="click me, see happens.") button01.grid(row=1001, column=1001) button01.bind("<button-1>", goaway) 

but wait 3 seconds , close program. how can fix this

the idea when clicked button change text in label label01 "go away", wait 1 second, change text "go away.", etc. , quit, printing "goodbye" users running in terminal.

you absolutely can change text on label or button.

all have use label.configure() method. want change text in label1 "don't panic", this:

label1.configure(text = "don't panic") 

the same goes buttons , other widgets.

if want create button when clicked, must define function changes label's text, , use function's name (for example foo) when creating button this:

button = button(window, text = "i button", command = foo) 

the full code this:

from tkinter import * # tkinter in python 2  def foo():     label1.configure(text = "don't panic")  window = tk() # other (optional) window setup here  label1 = label(window, text = "") button = button(window, text = "i button", command = foo)  # pack label , button , initiate window's mainloop here 


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