sql - My query isn't populating data in Apex Charts but it works in Toad -

    select     null link,     a.time_frame "start_date",     (a.row_number*(regr_slope(a.failures, a.row_number) on (partition a.state)) + (regr_intercept(a.failures, a.row_number) on (partition a.state))) trendline          (     select row_number() on (order (case :p1_date_chooser                       when 'daily' trunc(start_time)                      when 'weekly' trunc(start_time, 'ww')                      when 'monthly' trunc(start_time, 'mm')                  end))  row_number,      (case :p1_date_chooser                       when 'daily' trunc(start_time)                      when 'weekly' trunc(start_time, 'ww')                      when 'monthly' trunc(start_time, 'mm')                  end) time_frame,       count(job_id) failures, state     --from apps.ni_infa_activity_log_v@util.world     ni_infa_activity_log_v         state = 1     ,     (     :p1_job_type_chooser = 'workflow' , infa_type_code = 'workflow'     or     :p1_job_type_chooser = 'dss' , infa_type_code = 'dss'     or     :p1_job_type_chooser = 'mtt' , infa_type_code = 'mtt'     or     :p1_job_type_chooser not in ('workflow','dss','mtt')     )      group (case :p1_date_chooser                       when 'daily' trunc(start_time)                      when 'weekly' trunc(start_time, 'ww')                      when 'monthly' trunc(start_time, 'mm')                  end), state     order state,(case :p1_date_chooser                       when 'daily' trunc(start_time)                      when 'weekly' trunc(start_time, 'ww')                      when 'monthly' trunc(start_time, 'mm')                  end)     )     group a.row_number, a.time_frame,a.failures, a.state     order a.state,a.row_number; 

in middle source. query works in toad when move oracle apex app developer chart won't populate data. change made switch clauses around in middle. know "apps.ni_infa_activity_log_v@util.world" works source because i'm using inside other queries in app. if rid of case/whens , switch them single line trunc(start_time) itself, data populates. appreciated.

table , sample data:

create table ni_infa_activity_log  ( task_id        varchar2(30 byte) , object_name    varchar2(1000 byte) , job_id         varchar2(30 byte) not null , infa_type_code varchar2(10 byte) , run_id         number(10) , start_time     date , end_time       date  , state          number(1) );  insert ni_infa_activity_log (task_id, object_name, job_id, infa_type_code, run_id, start_time, end_time, state) values ( '000t0w0n0000000000000u' , 'campsync_erp_sfdc_v1.2' , '000t0wc1000000001i6w' , 'workflow' , null , to_date('5/22/2015 11:20:10','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') , to_date('5/22/2015 11:21:02','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') , 1 );  insert ni_infa_activity_log (task_id, object_name, job_id, infa_type_code, run_id, start_time, end_time, state) values ( '000t0w0n00000000000h' , 'pmdm_ora_ora_clnload_v1.0' , '000t0wc1000000001j5x' , 'workflow' , null , to_date('5/24/2015 10:30:11','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') , to_date('5/24/2015 10:32:34','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') , 1 );  commit; 

i found solution. i'm not entirely why made work in apex though:

             select              null link,              tf.time_frame label,                (tf.row_number*(regr_slope(count(data.job_id), tf.row_number) on (partition data.state)) + (regr_intercept(count(data.job_id), tf.row_number) on (partition data.state))) trendline                  apps.ni_infa_activity_log_v@util.world data                 ,                 (         select rownum row_number, time_frame                        (                  select                   case :p1_date_chooser                           when 'daily' trunc(start_time)                          when 'weekly' trunc(start_time, 'ww')                          when 'monthly' trunc(start_time, 'mm')                      end time_frame               apps.ni_infa_activity_log_v@util.world              group case :p1_date_chooser                           when 'daily' trunc(start_time)                          when 'weekly' trunc(start_time, 'ww')                          when 'monthly' trunc(start_time, 'mm')                      end              order 1              )         ) tf                  tf.time_frame = (case :p1_date_chooser                           when 'daily' trunc(data.start_time)                          when 'weekly' trunc(data.start_time, 'ww')                          when 'monthly' trunc(data.start_time, 'mm')                      end)         ,         state = 1                 ,                (                 :p1_job_type_chooser = 'workflow' , data.infa_type_code =  'workflow'                 or                 :p1_job_type_chooser = 'dss' , data.infa_type_code = 'dss'                 or                 :p1_job_type_chooser = 'mtt' , data.infa_type_code = 'mtt'                 or                 :p1_job_type_chooser not in ('workflow','dss','mtt')               )         group tf.time_frame, tf.row_number, data.state  


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